OpenRail Designer Help

Station Offset/Base Report

This tool creates a report containing station offset and station base data for horizontal & vertical geometry elements.

You can access this tool from the following.

Ribbon: Geometry > General Tools > Reports > Station Offset/Base Report

Offsets are always measured perpendicularly from the base element to the offset element. The reported stationing can be measured along the offset or base element. Offsets can be given for cardinal points and event points on the base and offset element

Interval (optional) defines the distance along the offset/base element between each measurement of offset. A value of zero has no effect.

Offset (optional) causes offset distances to be measured to a point that is not directly on the offset element but rather is offset by the distance specified. A value of zero has no effect.

Station Offset/Base Report dialog.

Note: To enable the Offset option, tick any check boxes from the Baseline & Offsets parameter.
Parameter Description


  • Lock to Start
  • Lock to End
Start and End stations can be defined or locked to the start and end of the element.


  • Baseline Horizontal Cardinal Points
  • Baseline Vertical Cardinal Points
While checked it gives offset details at the cardinal points of the base element.


  • Offset Horizontal Cardinal Points
  • Offset Vertical Cardinal Points
While checked it gives offset details at the cardinal points of the offset element.


Include Event Points

  • Baseline
  • Offset
  • Both
  • None
  • All
While checked it gives offset details at event points along the base element, offset element or both/none.


Interval Along:

  • Baseline
  • Offset
  • Both
Note: Interval must be a positive number.
The interval can be selected along the base element, offset element, or both.
Offset The offset (positive or negative) is applied to the offset element
Note: If no toggles are checked and the report is run, the result would be blank.


Select the Station Offset Report tool from the Analysis and Reporting tool group.

Check the necessary options from the dialog box.

Follow the heads-up prompts:

Prompt User Action
Locate Baseline Element Select a civil horizontal geometry element.
Locate First Offset Element Select the civil horizontal geometry element or corridor hull element to compute offsets.
Locate Next Offset Element- Reset to Complete Continue selecting elements. Once all elements are selected, click RESET to generate the report.

After the last prompt is completed, the Civil Report browser opens with the generated report. A sample of the report is given below.

Note: Your report may look different depending on what report is selected as the default.

Sample Station Offset/Base Report