OpenRail Designer Help


Note: Select a link to "jump" to the desired Home group.

Home ribbon


Attributes group



Element Template Association

Used to lock the active element template when placing an element. When on, the icon is displayed with highlighting.

Element Template

Opens the Element Templates drop-down to set the active element template, and to manage element templates using the Elements Templates dialog.


Opens the Level drop-down to set the Active Level and the Active Level Filter, to manage levels and filters, to set the display of levels and apply filters, and to recall existing level filters.


Opens the Active Color drop-down to set the active color, and change the colors of selected elements.

Line Style

Opens the line style drop-down to set the active line style to the line style that is chosen.

Line Weight

Opens the line weight drop-down to set the active line weight and change the line weights of selected elements.


Opens the transparency drop-down to set the active element transparency.


Opens the priority drop-down to sets the active element priority (2D models only), which determines how an element is displayed relative to other elements.

Element Class

Opens the element class drop-down to set the active class of element on placement.


Primary group




Manage project data using the Explorer dialog.

  • References - Manage reference attachments using the References dialog.
  • Raster Manager - Manage raster reference attachments using the Raster Manager dialog.
  • Point Clouds - Import, control, visualize and manipulate point cloud images using the Point Clouds dialog.
  • Reality Mesh - Attach and manipulate reality meshes using the Reality Mesh Attachments dialog.


Displays the Models dialog, which allows you to create a new model, copy a model, edit model properties, delete and import models, create a sheet boundary, and list any filters.

Level Display

Turn levels on and off using the Level Display dialog.

Level Manager

Turn levels on and off using the Level Display dialog.

Review or modify information about an element(s), such as its type, attributes, and geometry.

  • Key-In - Open the Key-in window.
  • Toggle AccuDraw - Allows you to enable or disable AccuDraw inputs.
  • Auxiliary Coordinates -
  • Saved Views - Manage saved views using the Saved Views dialog.
  • Cells - Create and manage cells in a Cell Library.
  • Markups - Review markups and comments made in the design through the Markups dialog.
  • Details -
  • Windowed List - Display information related to what is selected in any of the tabs of the Explorer dialog
Turns on/off PopSet toggle, which is used to manage the display of the Tool Settings Window while you are not adjusting its controls.


Selection group



Element Selection

Select and deselect elements on a per element basis, by defining an area, or by drawing a line that intersects them.

Select All

Select all elements in the design.

Select None

Deselect all elements in the design.

Fence Tools

  • Place Fence - Used to place a fence.
  • Modify Fence - Used to move a fence or modify one of its vertices.
  • Manipulate Fence Contents - Used to move, copy, rotate, mirror, scale, or stretch fence contents, which are defined by a fence and (except for stretching) the Fence (Selection) Mode.
  • Delete Fence Contents - Used to delete the fence contents.
  • Drop Fence Contents - Used to break up the contents in a fence into their components.
  • Save Fence to File - Used to copy or move the contents of the active fence to a new DGN or DWG file.
  • Named Boundary - Manage named boundaries and boundary groups using the Named Boundary dialog.
Note: For more in-depth information on Fence Tools, see the MicroStation help.

Model Analysis and Reporting

Model Analysis and Reporting group




  • Horizontal Geometry Report - A filter to specify groups of horizontal alignments to include in the report data file.
  • Horizontal Point Report - Creates a Geometry Point report for selected points.
  • Profile Report - A filter to specify groups of vertical alignments to include in the report data file.
  • Legal Report - A filter to specify information on closed alignments and reference alignments.
  • Map Check Report - A filter to specify information based on plotted data rather than the internal precision stored by the software.
  • Station Offset Report - A filter to specify information on station offset data for selected alignments or features.
  • Point Feature Station Offset Elevation - Creates a report that contains point name, point feature, station, and offset from selected points to a baseline MicroStation or civil horizontal geometry or survey element.
  • Station Base Report - A filter to specify information on station base data for selected alignments or features.
  • Superelevation Report - A filter to specify information on superelevation and displays data on the selected sections.
Report Browser
It will open the Report Browser without creating or loading any XML data.

Civil Analysis

Civil Analysis group
  • Analyze Point - Reports information about a user-specified point location in a TM (elevation, slope, contour, slope direction).
  • Analyze Between Points - Reports information between 2 point locations on a TM (elevation difference, length and slope).
  • Calculate Area - Calculates the slope and planar area of the fence model.
  • Analyze Volume - Calculates volume between 2 TMs or a TM and plane (elevation). Capable of processing in an area (fence) or multiple areas and computing the volumes over a range of elevations. Cut and fill factors are also options.
  • Inverse Points - Computes and displays the distance and direction between each pair of specified points.
  • Analyze Trace Slope - Traces along a surface either following a user-specified slope value or the steepest slope. Can trace upstream or downstream.
  • Analyze Pond - Analyzes terrain model for ponds (low point) located via a data point location on a TM (volume, area max depth).
  • Element Component Quantities - Reporting tool that reports single or multiple Civil Cells and or Corridors to create component quantity summary.
  • Create Cut Fill Volumes - Used to calculate cut and fill volumes between two surfaces, usually an existing a terrain and a surface (terrain or mesh) and create s a 3D mesh solid with volume attributes.
  • Quantities Report by Named Boundary - Allows to report volumes for specific station ranges and/or sheet clipping boundaries.
  • Mass Haul Diagram - Allows you a cumulative total of cut and fill volumes along a horizontal alignment.
  • End Area Volumes Report - Allows you to calculate cut and fill using cross section named boundaries cut along a previously defined alignment.
  • Cross Section Report - Allows you to report of the top, bottom, and intermediate layers of a roadway design along the cross section named boundaries.
  • 3D Drive Through - Produces a quick drive through visualization along an alignment.
  • Compute Pond Volumes - Allows you to compute pond volumes between terrain models by using single or incremental methods.
  • Elevation Difference Grid - Allows you to support a variety of grid generation and cut/fill element templates.

Corridor Reports

The Corridor Reports group contains several corridor reports. All reports require selection of a corridor to generate a report in the Civil Report Browser. The default reports (as provided in the installation package) are described below, however, you may select any one of several different reports as the default.
  • Component Quantities - Report includes component (i.e., concrete, topsoil, shoulders, cut and fill volumes) surface area, volumes, units of measure, unit cost, and component and total cost. A preview windows displays the information and clicking the report buttons opens it in the Civil Report Browser.
  • Design Input Report - Opens the Civil Report Browser with the default Roadway Setup Report which includes corridor station range, key stations, template drop information, constraints, point controls, transitions, end condition exceptions, and superelevation section information.
  • Results Report - Opens the same report as the Design Input Report.
  • Milling Report - Opens the Civil Report Browser with a report on milling / stripping components.
  • Superelevation Report - Superelevation reports can be generated for a single or multiple sections. The reports are displayed in the Civil Report browser.

Dynamic Plan View
The tool allows you to automatically scale and rotate the view.

Model Import/Export

Model Import/Export



Terrain Import

The Import Terrain tab contains tools to create a terrain model from graphical elements, ASCII files, point clouds, LandXML, and importing from various Bentley Civil products. Tools are also supported to merge together two or more models, and to clip models.

Import Geometry

The Import Geometry tab contains tools for importing and exporting to / from native products (InRoads, GEOPAK and MX). It also has tools to create a "civilized" element from generic MicroStation elements.

Import IRD

Import (SELECTseries 2) and prior versions of corridors contained in Roadway Designer (IRD) files.

Export Corridor to IFC

Finds all mesh elements with a civil feature in the 3D model and then exports them to the IFC open source format.

Export to IFC

Export to IFC allows you to export 3D models to the IFC open source format.

Export to SHP
Export tool allows you to export geometry features and survey features to *.shp files.