OpenPlant Modeler Help

Create Volume Dialog

This dialog lets you define a name for a new volume space created in the model.

Note: This option is creating a physical volume area in a model which can be used to create a spacial query in the imodel. For instance, you check out/reference out a specified volume and include all of the components contained within that volume.

Accessed from the PlantSight ribbon:

The following dialog displays after a solid volume has been selected in the model. The solid volume area is created using one of the Solids tools in the ribbon.

Property Fields The dialog offers the following property tabs providing fields to help define the associated item being created.
  • General Info
  • Miscellaneous
  • Record
Important: The only field required to have a value is the Name field.
Save Click to save the changes and create the volume.
Cancel Click to discard any changes and cancel the command.
Key-in: mechaddin makevolume