OpenPlant Modeler Help

Configuration Changes

This section explains the sample configuration changes needed for migration. Since users may have done customization in AutoPLANT for their project needs, this section will help in understanding the changes done in out of the box setup and accordingly further changes can be done as per actual project requirements. The basic objective is to have an OpenPlant WorkSet configured the exact same way as the project content looks like in AutoPLANT. So, if you were to create a new model in OpenPlant in this WorkSet the project nomenclature and definitions for tags and other project objects would look the same way as you would model in AutoPLANT.

The configuration updates done for AutoPLANT-to-OpenPlant migration for out of the box WorkSets are explained below, which will help user not only update their WorkSets accordingly but will also help them understand how to update their WorkSets for customized components.