OpenPlant Modeler Help

To get Three Ports Generic Piping Components into OpenPlant Modeler

  1. Launch Bentley Class Editor and Open OpenPlant_3D.01.08.ecschema the latest AP2OP Workset. The path is as follows, C:\ProgramData\Bentley\OpenPlant CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaces\OpenPlantExample\WorkSets\AP to OP OPPA33 Metric\Standards\OpenPlant\Schemas
  2. Load all Reference schemas from this location: C:\ProgramData\Bentley\OpenPlant CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaces\OpenPlantExample\Standards\OpenPlant\Schemas
  3. Right Click on OpenPlant 3D schema and select Supplement Schema
  4. Add the following two Supplemental schema:



    Supplemental Modeling

    Use the same Reference schemas as used in Step 2 and press OK.
  5. Expand the Classes and follow the hierarchy as shown in the figure, to find Generic Piping Component.
  6. Right Click on Generic Piping Components and select Add Derived Classes.
  7. Specify its Name and Display Label as GENERIC_PIPING_COMPONENT_TWO_PORT.
  8. Go to the Parent Class Generic Piping Component and Right click to copy Component Port Informationas a Custom Attributes.
  9. Paste this custom attribute into the newly created derived class Generic Piping Component Two_Ports.
  10. Now Remove this custom attribute Component Port Information from the Right click menu of the parent class.
  11. Again, Right Click on Generic Piping Components and select Add Derived Classes.
  12. Specify its Name and Display Label as GENERIC_PIPING_COMPONENT_THREE_PORT.
  13. Paste the previously copied Component Port Information custom attribute into this newly created derived class GENERIC_PIPING_COMPONENT_THREE_PORT.
  14. Add the Port No. as 3 and add its name as BRANCH_PORT as shown below. It will not be visible in real time once you add it, to see port 3 switch to some other class and revert.
  15. Save these changes to schemas and close the Bentley Class Editor.
  16. Now create a new iTwin on iTwin hub and setup it using this updated workset.
  17. Go to the machine where APIMB is installed (if not the same) and navigate to this path: C:\Program Files\Bentley\APiModelBridge\Assets and Open AP2OPMapping.xml file in Notepad.
  18. Search for the following keyword: generic_piping, until you can find the mapping for Generic_Piping_Component.
  19. Copy this APClass including all its APProperties and paste it right below.
  20. Rename the older Generic_Piping_Component to GENERIC_PIPING_COMPONENT_TWO_PORT.
  21. Rename the pasted Generic_Piping_Component to GENERIC_PIPING_COMPONENT_THREE_PORT.
  23. Save this file at some other location and replace it with the original one.
  24. Now publish the docs containing Three ports Generic Piping components.
  25. Verify on iTwin hub preview that the mappings have been updated.
  26. Go through the Import and upgrade process inside OpenPlant Modeler and notice that now Three ports generic piping components are not being missed out.