OpenBuildings™ Designer Help

Element Annotation

Used to place active annotation symbol cells on DataGroup enabled elements in drawing and sheet models. Also used to place labels for multiple Mechanical Elements, in a stacked manner, dynamically controlled by mouse movements.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: Building Design > Drawing Production > Place Annotation > Element Annotation split button > Element Annotation

The single placement method requires you to click on an element with valid DataGroup properties, prompting the appropriate cell to display as specified in the Annotation Parameters dialog. The cell appears dynamically on the pointer and is placed with a second data point. The cell origin is placed at the location where the placement data point is entered and the angle of placement is controlled by the active angle.

Note: The tool works across attached reference files. For example, when a 3D model is attached as a reference to an open design file, you can place datagroup annotations when selecting valid elements in the reference file. When updates are made to datagroup instance data in the 3D model, datagroup annotation cells in the open DGN file are also updated. Updates to datagroup annotation cells also occur when the DGN file containing them is opened. Dependency linkages across reference files, between datagroup annotation cells, continue as long as reference files remain attached. Reference files that are detached and then reattached loose dependency linkages between datagroup annotation cells.
The stacked annotation method requires you to click on valid duct or pipe Mechanical discipline components (also with valid DataGroup properties) to display the appropriate cell. The cell appears dynamically on the pointer with a leader attached to the initial click location. As you move the pointer, annotations are added in a stacked manner for all Ducts and Pipes the leader line intersects. The final stacked annotation is placed with a second data point.
Remember: Stacked annotations are enabled for plan view oriented 2D drawing and sheet models.
Use Mechanical Stacked Annotation When checked, enables symbol attribute settings below. When unchecked, the active annotation symbol gets placed as a effect place DataGroup Annotation tool workflow.

Note: Always check the Use Mechanical Stacked Annotation setting to proceed with stacked annotations. Also, the model should have the drawing rule based attributes or custom label attributes defined in the drawing rule (see, the Add Attributes in Attribute Label tab of Drawing Rule).
Show/Hide More info Enables only when the Use Mechanical Stacked Annotation is set. When clicked, the triangular icon collapses and expands, thereby displaying the attribute settings that can be applied for stacked annotation.
Override Leader Attribute When checked, enables leader attribute settings below applicable for stacked annotation. The current settings override the default leader attributes, and modified symbology applies to leader being placed. When unchecked, the default symbology is effective.
Color, Weight, .. Used to set the label attribute that make up annotation graphics.
  • Color - Sets the color of the leader line symbology.
  • Weight - Sets the weight of the leader line symbology.
  • Style - Sets the line style of the leader line symbology. Styles are limited to the predefined line styles 0 to 7 and the ByLevel style.
  • Level - Sets the level on which the leader line will appear

Stacked Annotations reviewed

Stacked annotations work in plan views for placing Mechanical rule based annotations in stacked manner to ducts and pipes in the drawing. Element Annotation generates the annotation as you "mark" elements for labelling. Stacked annotations require selecting a valid duct or pipe components

The tool allows you to use the mouse to choose different elements, and stacks the individual annotations in a different slots. If you choose two pipes, then it puts two horizontal lines. Moving mouse further may overlap more elements, thus growing the stack. The labels appear in the order the elements are overlapped in the drawing.