MicroStation CONNECT Edition Help

Explorer Context Menus

An Explorer context menu is a menu that appears when you right-click on an item in the Explorer dialog. You can customize these context menus by adding menus and menu items to them. You can show or hide and enable or disable these menus and menu items based on named expressions or in-line expressions. For example, you can customize the right-click menu on a saved view that will be visible only when you are in the File tab of the Explorer dialog. You can achieve this by setting the menu item's Show/Hide Test property to "IsFileTree".

You can customize the Explorer context menu by copying MicroStation toolboxes and tools to it so that you can activate tools from these menus. Custom menus and menu items can be added, moved, copied, reordered, deleted, and renamed on Explorer context menus. You can also add a menu mark to the Explorer context menu item. A menu mark is a graphic or icon to the left of the menu item's text. It indicates the status of the menu item.

You customize Explorer dialog context menus on the Explorer Context Menus tab in the Customize dialog ( File > Settings > Configuration > Customize ). As you make changes to the Explorer context menu in the Customize dialog, the changes appear immediately.

Explorer Context Menus tab in the Customize dialog

Custom context menus are created and stored in DGN libraries . This allows administrators to customize context menus in one place and to distribute the customization to many users.

When you open or create a DGN file you see all the custom context menus in the configured DGN libraries. If several files in the DGN libraries contain context menu customization, you see a union of the menu changes in these files. If you customize a context menu and do not want to make it available to others, you should save it in a "personal" DGN library.

Note: See Tools, Toolboxes, and Tasks for more information about context menus and their relation to DGN libraries.