WaterGEMS 2024 Help

SCADAConnect Overview

SCADAConnect is the name given to several types of features aimed at better integrating hydraulic models with operational data. This is sometimes referred to as "Live Modeling" or "Real Time Modeling" but since it often involves a SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system, the name SCADAConnect is used in Bentley products. Several different groups of features are covered by the SCADAConnect name including:

  1. Ability to import field data from SCADA systems, data loggers and other external data sources for use in modeling.
  2. Ability to run hydraulic analyses from a simplified user interface developed for operations personnel who are not full-time modelers.
  3. Ability to display model results in a SCADA Human Machine Interface (HMI).
  4. Ability to establish alarms and alerts to help review model runs.

Each of these groups of features is described further below.

Importing Data to Hydraulic Models

The users can connect the model to external data using a SCADA element which the user places in the model and connects between a model element and a value in an external data source (see SCADA Element) to enable the model to import data from an external source. Each of these SCADA elements represents an individual signal (tag). In the SCADA element, the user defines the model element (e.g. J-22) and property (field) (e.g. Pressure) associated with the SCADA signal. At the same time, the user identifies the external signal under Components > SCADA signals (see SCADA Signals Setup). This involves identifying the data source and whether it is some type of data file or a direct connection to a SCADA OPC server. The user then identifies which signals (tags) from the data source are to be made available to the SCADA element in the model.

Once the link between the model elements and the external data sources have been established, the user can use external data for a variety of purposes including:

  1. Viewing external data in the model in tabular or graphical form
  2. Comparing model results with external data for model calibration using tabular and graphical views
  3. Importing initial conditions for use in a model run
  4. Importing field data for use with Darwin Calibrator

The work flow is:

  1. Set up connection to data source (View data)
  2. Create SCADA elements
  3. Associate SCADA signal with model element and tag from SCADA data source
  4. Use SCADA data in model

Running Model using SCADAConnect Simulator

The user can run a hydraulic model from a simplified user interface such that someone can get started using models without detailed knowledge of all the software's features. This is intended for use by operators or engineers who are not regular model users. The user can access this SCADAConnect Simulator by picking Analysis > SCADA > SCADAConnect. To use this feature, a SCADA Baseline scenario must already have been set up. The user can then make changes to demands, override controls, simulate a fire event or simulate a pipe break and start a run which can be based on initial conditions from the baseline scenario, some historical point in time or current (Live) conditions (see SCADAConnect Simulator).

When the user hits the Compute button the model runs and the user can view the results through a wide range of features (tabular, color coding, annotation, profiles) and perform additional calculations such as energy use. If the user has set up the features to publish results to a SCADA HMI, then the model results can be viewed in the HMI (see below).

The work flow is generally:

  1. Create baseline SCADAConnect scenario and set up symbology, named views, etc.
  2. Open SCADAConnect Simulator and pick the adjustments to the baseline scenario.
  3. Run the adjusted scenario and view results.

Viewing Model using SCADA HMI

SCADAConnect enables users to view model results using a SCADA HMI. This is oriented toward users who are operators and are accustomed to working with the HMI. To use this feature, the user must have set up an OPC server to receive data from the model and HMI screens to display the values from the OPC server. Usually the user will not need to set up the server and the HMI from scratch but use the existing server and HMI as a starting point with modifications to reflect additional data than can be made available from the model which is not available from the normal SCADA system.

The user sets up the mappings from the model to the OPC server using a simple SCADA Results Publishing table which identifies the connection between the model properties and tags in the OPC server (see Displaying Model Results in SCADA Human Machine Interface (HMI)-Overview). To view values in the HMI, the user need only pick the time in the Time Browser (Analysis > Time Browser) to choose the time for which data are to be displayed.

The work flow generally is:

  1. Set up or copy SCADA HMI.
  2. Set up or use OPC server and map to HMI.
  3. Map model results to OPC server.
  4. Run SCADAConnect scenario in model and view results in HMI.

Alarms and Alerts

The user can also create alarms and alerts within SCADAConnect. Alarms are settings assigned to SCADA elements which, when triggered, produce messages. (For example, Alarms can also be set on tank elements based on level.) Alerts are similar but are set up in an Alerts manager and are associated with model hydraulic elements, not SCADA elements (See Alarms and Alerts).

The general work flow is:

  1. Set up alarms and alerts.
  2. Make model runs.
  3. View alarms and alerts in User Notifications.