WaterGEMS 2024 Help

SCADA Signals Dialog

The SCADA Signals dialog enables the user to associate a SCADA data source with a model and then map the individual signals to signal elements in the model.

The buttons on top of the left pane are described below:

Signals are divided under datasource nodes into two types:
  1. Raw – Raw signals are data directly pulled from the datasource without modification.
  2. Derived – Derived signals take raw signals from the datasource and transform them using different methods.
The behavior of the right pane depends on the node type selected in the left pane.
  • Datasource Node - will display a list of the raw signal names provided by the selected datasource.
  • Raw Signal Node - will display a preview of the data for that signal. To ensure that the data are current, the user can pick Refresh button or Auto Refresh check box.
  • Derived Signal Node - will be split into two tabs.
    • Preview - Can view the values of the transformed signal.
    • Signal Value Transform – Can view and set the properties of the signal transform.