WaterGEMS 2024 Help

Viewing SCADA Data in Model

A user can view external data, either from a file or an OPC server, directly in WaterGEMS/CAD. Once the connections have been established, the user can enter the SCADA Signals manager and pick any signal. (The signal does not necessarily need to be linked to a SCADA element.) The user picks one of the signals from the left pane and will be able to view the time series as shown below.

If the display is empty, the user should pick the Refresh button.

Checking the Auto-refresh button means that the tabular and graphical views of the data are automatically displayed when a new signal is selected.

Right clicking on the top of the Signal Value column enable the user to change Units and Formatting.

Right clicking on the bottom border of the graph area enables the user to set chart options in the graphical view.

Once SCADA data are available, they can be viewed graphically by right clicking on the SCADA element and picking graphs. If the SCADA signal has been set up correctly and the SCADA element is associated with a model element, then the SCADA signal and model results will be plotted on the same graph.

All of the graph manager features are available for use with these graphs.

For a given time step, the values for SCADA data can be viewed in the SCADA flex table.

The user can also annotate or color code by values associated with SCADA elements.