Bentley Navigator


Using a punch list to document and share issues.

Punch lists allow you to document issues associated with items and share these issues with other project participants. Each issue has a set of editable fields, defined by the project administrator from the Issue Resolution Service tile in the Project Portal.
Note: The form definition is updated in Navigator after you synchronize the Issues list.
Issues may contain redlines, attachments, and comments. You work with issues through the Issues tab of the Content Management zone from the middle left. You can create issues offline and then synchronize them when you connect to the Internet, similar to popular email systems.

Before creating an Issue

Issues are associated to a CONNECTED project. Select the appropriate project by selecting the Change Project button on the File Open screen. If you do not have a project, contact your Project or IT administrator to register a CONNECTED project.

Note: By default, Navigator is set to a Sample Project and issues created in this project cannot be synchronized.

Creating a Punch List item

All issues are associated to objects in the model. Before creating an issue, select an object in the view using the Select Item tool. Once you have selected the item, go to the Issues tab of the Content Management zone from the middle left, and select the Add "+" button in the tool bar. The Add issue form appears on the screen with four different sections to add information to document the issue.

You can switch between the different sections by selecting the different tabs at the top of the form.

  • The Details tab contains all the fields defined by the project administrator.
  • The Attachments tab is where you can create and annotate screen shots of the model or photographs taken with the camera from mobile devices. For more information on how to create and annotate an attachment, go to the Add Attachment topic.
  • The Comments tab is a running list of any commentary project participants want to add.
  • The Attributes tab displays information about the Issue, such as ID, the person the issue was Created By, or the date the issue was Created On.

Adding all this information is optional. Select Done to create the issue. Select Cancel to discard the issue. The newly-created issue appears in the list with a triangle which means that this issue has local changes that need to be synchronized. To synchronize the issue, select Sync from the Backstage Panel.

Note: You can search the list of punch list items by selecting the Search icon from the Issues tab and typing your search.

Synchronizing Issues

By default, Issues are synced automatically on startup of Navigator as long as you have an Internet connection. To change this, from the Backstage panel go to Settings and then select the Synchronization tab. You can manually sync the punch list by selecting Sync from the Backstage Panel.

Since issues are associated to a project and the list can get quite long, you can filter the issues that are downloaded. Go to Settings in the Backstage panel and select the Synchronization tab. Set the Filter Downloads option to control what types of issues are downloaded.

Editing Issues

You can select any issue in the list which also selects the associated item in the view and zooms to the item. To edit the fields of the punch list or add attachments or comments, select the Edit icon for the Issue. The form for the issue opens and once the changes are made, select the Done button. The changes made to the issue are only stored locally and are not available to other project participants until you synchronize to upload the changes.

Note: If multiple people are editing an issue at the same time, the only changes stored in the project are the changes made by the last person to sync.

Closing an Issue

While there are a number of fields that a project administrator can define, the closed field is a required field and is the only field Navigator uses to determine if an issue is closed or completed. Closed issues can be hidden from the list by going to Settings from the Backstage panel and then selecting the Synchronization tab.

Note: Issues synced to the project cannot be deleted and should be closed if not valid.