AssetWise ALIM Web Implementation Guide

Configuring a New or Existing AssetWise ALIM Web Virtual Directory

Follow these steps to configure a new or existing AssetWise ALIM Web virtual directory.

  1. Open ALIM Web Manager. The ALIM Web Manager window appears. For example,
  2. Do one of the following:

    To create a new virtual directory, select the Default Web Site that you want to create this virtual directory under, then select File, and then select New Web.


    To make changes to an existing virtual directory, select the IIS website under which your virtual directory exists, then select your virtual directory from the list and select Edit, and then Properties.

    The Edit Web dialog opens.

  3. On the Server tab, do the following:
    1. In the Application Server field, enter the name of the computer on which AssetWise Information Integrity Server is installed.

      It is recommended that you use the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the computer. For example:

    2. Click Connect.

      The AssetWise ALIM Web virtual directory connects to the AssetWise Information Integrity Server.

    3. If the server has more than one community, you can restrict the list of communities on this server that your AssetWise ALIM Web users can choose from, by doing the following:
      1. Select Check this box to enable filtering of communities.
      2. Click +.

        The Community dialog opens.

      3. The AssetWise Server field is populated with the name of the server to which you are currently connected. Click ? to populate the Datasource list.
      4. From the Datasource list, select the community you want to add to the list.
      5. You can enter a user-friendly Name for the community, otherwise the actual site/community name appears on the log in screen.
      6. Click OK.

        Repeat these steps for each community that you want to add to the list.

      Tip: If there is only one community for the user to choose from and the user has a Windows account, then when the user clicks the URL for this website, AssetWise attempts to automatically log the user in to the community using their Windows credentials.
      Tip: A multi-site AssetWise environment has user bases that are geographically separate from each other. Although connecting to one common database, repositories can exist at each site and replication between those repositories can be configured. When uploading or downloading files, all files go through the AssetWise ALIM Web Server. Therefore for performance purposes, it is important that the repository is local to that website. For this reason, it is recommended that you restrict the choice of communities for AssetWise users to log in to, when dealing with multi-site environments.
  4. Select the Application tab, and then do the following:
    1. Enter a Name for your virtual directory.

      This name is part of the URL to which your users will connect. For example, if the name of your virtual directory is "AW", then your users would point their browsers to http://<awwebservername>/aw where <awwebservername> is the name of your AssetWise ALIM Web server.

    2. Accept or edit the Web site, Folder Location, and Application pool settings.
    For example,
  5. Select the Authentication tab, and then select the Authentication Provider that you want this virtual directory to use. Your choices are:
    • AssetWise Internal – Select this type if all users connecting to this website will be logging in with an AssetWise account.
      Note: Do not select this type if users need to log in with Windows or Bentley accounts.

      By default, the Use a fixed guest account for all users option is turned off. This replaces the "automatic log in" option that was available in previous versions. This option should only be turned on if you are setting up an AssetWise website dedicated for everyday users who need to access AssetWise data and documents but do not need to add or change any information. (If you are configuring such a website, you would likely only turn on the most basic features on the Functionality tab - see the next step.) When this option is configured, all users who access this site will be automatically logged in to the specified community with the same AssetWise account, so the account you specify should have view-only access to the portions of the community's data you want to make available.

    • Bentley IMS – Select this type if you want users connecting to this website to be able to log in with their Bentley Cloud Services credentials. Users connecting to this website will first be redirected to the specified AssetWise Session service URI where they are prompted to sign in with their Bentley Cloud Services credentials before gaining access to the community. If the website only points to one community, then users gain access to the community as soon as they sign in with their Bentley credentials. If the website points to more than one community, then after they sign in with their Bentley credentials, users will be returned to the standard AssetWise ALIM Web login page and select their community.
      • Session service URI – Enter the URL for the AssetWise Session service, the ambient authorization context for all AssetWise activities. The default value for production use is:
      • IMS OIDC URI – Enter the URL of the IMS issuer. The default value for production use is:

      By default, the Allow use of internal security login option is not selected. This allows the option to revert to AssetWise internal authentication in the AssetWise ALIM Web login page after successful authorization with the AssetWise Session service.

      Note: If you configure this virtual directory to use Bentley IMS authentication, then you must also go to Service Request Manager and file a request to register your ALIM Web site URI with AssetWise Session service.
    • Windows Authentication – Select this type if any users connecting to this website will be logging in with their Windows domain accounts.
      Note: Open IIS Manager and confirm that Windows Authentication and ASP.NET Impersonation are set to "Enabled" for this virtual directory, and that the other types of authentication listed are all set to "Disabled". Also, in the same area of IIS, open the Advanced Settings for Windows Authentication and confirm that Enable Kernel-mode authentication is turned on. For more information about configuring Windows Authentication, refer to your IIS documentation.
    Important: If you configure this virtual directory to use Bentley IMS authentication, then you must also go to Service Request Manager and file a request to register your realm URI with AssetWise Session service
  6. Select the Functionality tab and then do the following:
    1. From the Products group, turn on the main product features (plug-ins) that you want to enable in AssetWise ALIM Web.
    2. From the Options group, turn on the optional features (plug-ins) that you want to enable in AssetWise ALIM Web.

    The following image shows all of the plug-ins available when you install AssetWise ALIM Web Applications (these are not the only plug-ins AssetWise offers - you can install additional plug-ins later). All of these plug-ins are disabled by default:

    Each optional plug-in is related to one or more of the main product plug-ins. While the options can be selected independently of the products, if you enable an option without enabling its related product, that optional functionality will not be available in AssetWise ALIM Web.

    The following table lists the main product plug-ins available for AssetWise ALIM Web:
    Plug-in Description
    Document Manager Contains what you need to manage documents in AssetWise
    Item Manager Contains what you need to deploy a physical item manager through AssetWise
    Note: You must select at least one of the above plug-ins in order to be able to deploy the virtual directory.

    The following are optional plug-ins:

    Plug-in Description
    Brava! Web Viewer Integration Adds support for the third party Brava! Viewer within AssetWise ALIM Web. This plug-in requires additional configuration. For more information, see Integrating Brava with AssetWise ALIM Web Server
    Bulk Import and Export Add the ability to import/export files and folders into/out of AssetWise
    Change Management Helps to control the change process of controlled documents and items
    Change Packages Allows users to create a package of changes that is intended to be released for construction simultaneously.
    Comment and Review Tracking Adds the ability for comments tracking and replies
    General Report Allows the execution of AssetWise reports via a URL call.
    Object Comparison Add the ability to compare AssetWise objects, such as different versions of documents
    Data Administration Tools Adds administration features to the website
    Document Distribution Adds the ability to manage distribution of documents to customers and stakeholders
    Document Design Provides document creation capabilities using a wizard.
    Object Action Management Provides the ability to block or add tasks from appearing in the Task menu
    Package Distribution Order Provides users with the ability to send files to recipients inside and outside of the AssetWise environment.
    Physical Item Design Provides physical item creation capabilities using a wizard.
    ProjectWise Connector Plugin Provides bi-directional support for passing information to and from ProjectWise
    Publish information for distribution outside the application Adds the ability to publish folder structures to compiled help files (CHM)
    Quick Link URIs Create quick links to AssetWise objects by specifying their identifying number and other properties
    Records Management Adds the ability to control document records through the use of file plans
    Submittal Provides the ability to submit packages
    Subscriptions Provides the ability to subscribe to documents and receive emails when events occur to them
    Tag Display Add the ability to view Tag Data and associated relationships
    Tag Design and Operations Provides tag creation and editing capabilities.
    User Preference Administration Users can create and update personal and application wide settings in order to tailor various application behaviors
    Virtual Item Group Design Provides virtual item group creation capabilities using a wizard.
    Work Management Adds the ability to plan and organize processes through work orders and tasks
    Note: After configuring the Server, Application, and Authentication tabs, and then enabling at least one of the required product plug-ins on the Functionality tab, the message / link at the bottom of the dialog changes from There is some missing information (click here for details) to Ready to install (click here to start). You can either click that link to deploy the virtual directory now, or you can continue to the Options tab to view or change the default options. If you deploy now, you can always subsequently make changes to this dialog.
  7. (Optional) Select the Options tab and review or set the following options as needed:
    Option Description
    Enforce completion of required fields If set to Yes, property editors will require that users complete all of the fields marked as required before they can save property edits
    Hide properties that are empty If set to Yes, property displays hide properties that are not assigned a value
    Hide relationships that are empty If set to Yes, relationship displays omit relationships that have no objects assigned to them
    URL templates for map links The template URL which will be used to create links that show an address on a map
    URL template for email address links The template URL which will be used to create links for email addresses. Leave this field blank if the website is exposed to the public internet
    URL template for VOIP calls Sets the template URL which will be used to create links for telephone numbers. If you do not have a SIP/VOIP system, or the website is exposed to the public internet, leave this field blank
    For example,
  8. (Optional) You can select the Tracing tab and enable logging for this virtual directory.

    To enable logging, do the following:

    1. Set Enable trace file output to Yes.
    2. In the Log Output list, select Seq Server Log. Note that general trace logging may be selected, however Seq Server Log is recommended because it is useful when reviewing support issues.
    3. Specify the Output Location for log information. If you are using Seq tracing, this is the https server URL for seq, for example If you are using file tracing, this is the folder name to create the login, the application will write trace data to a file with the name of the virtual directory in this folder. The folder must have "write" access for the virtual directory users to write to it.
    4. Select a Log Level from the list to set the level of logging you want to record for this virtual directory. Your options are: Error (default), Warning, and Information.

    Enabling logging adds a <system.diagnostics> element to the web.config for this virtual directory, and this should satisfy most logging needs. For more information about configuring this element, see .

  9. (Optional) On the Sites tab, you can enable redirection of file operations to a different web server based on community sites for this virtual directory by doing the following:
    1. Select a community site.
    2. Specify a web site address to which the file operations will be redirected when the user is logged in to the community site specified in Step 9. a.
    3. Repeat Steps 9. a and 9. b for all sites.
    For example,
  10. When finished with the configuration, click Ready to install (click here to start).

    If you are creating a new AssetWise ALIM Web virtual directory, then the AssetWise ALIM Web application is deployed to the virtual directory.

    If you are making changes to an existing AssetWise ALIM Web virtual directory, then the AssetWise ALIM Web application is redeployed with the changes.

    Note: When editing an existing virtual directory, you might encounter an error when you click Ready to install (click here to start) to redeploy. This is probably because you did not stop the IIS service before you began editing the virtual directory, and some files are still in use by IIS. If you get this error, all you need to do is close the error message and click Ready to install (click here to start) again.
    Tip: If necessary, you can create multiple virtual directories with different plug-ins, connecting to the same database, so that end-users with different roles only see plug-ins that they require.