AECOsim Building Designer Help

To setup and start a simple room model simulation

  1. On the Ribbon > Calculations tab, click the Simulation V4 icon. The Simulation dialog box opens with the Calculate tab active. All the project buildings, zones and rooms listed in its three selection panels.
  2. From the Building panel (left side of the Simulation dialog box), select the building you want to run a simulation for. Selecting a building refreshes the Zones and Rooms panels with only those zones and rooms that belong to the selected building.
  3. From the Zones panel, select the zone or zones you want to run a simulation for. Selecting zones refreshes the Rooms panel with only those rooms that belong to the selected zones.
  4. From the Rooms panel, select the room or rooms you want to run a simulation for.
  5. Enable the Simple room model option.
  6. Using the drop-down list to select the Weather data profile to use for the simulation.
    Note: The drop-down list contains all the weather profiles defined for the project in the Weather Manager. The data from selected weather profile is used to fill in the design and peak temperatures displayed for cooling and heating design days.
  7. Do one of the following:

    Define the simulation Run Period by selecting start and end dates with the calendar controls provided.


    Click the Full Year button to specify a year long simulation.

  8. Enter a name and description for the simulation in the fields provided.
    Warning: The simulation will not be able to be started unless it is named. The Start button is only activated when the simulation is named.
  9. Click Start to start the simulation. The Simulation results dialog box appears displaying the message Simulation Running — Please Wait...