AECOsim Building Designer Help

Linear Member Manipulation Tools and Exercises

The Structural discipline provides you with tools used to modify linear members (beams and girders, for example) and how they are connected to each other in your structural model.

Modify Structural Data and Attributes

The following tools can be used to modify Structural data and attributes for Structural linear members and DataGroup catalog items.

  • Modify Structural Attributes – Lets you modify the structural attributes and structural geometry of members you select.
  • Modify Properties – Lets you modify all AECOsim Building Designer components including for instance, the structural attributes and structural geometry of members and slabs you select.

Modify Member Geometry

The following tools can be used to modify the geometry of Structural members by moving the endpoints of members to change their lengths, by joining multiple members into one, or by changing their underlying path elements.

Modify Copes/Cutbacks and End Treatments

The following tools can be used to modify the types and sizes of Structural copes and cutbacks as well as creating mitred corners between linear members.

  • Remove Cutback – Lets you clear any applied cutbacks, trims, or copes to the connections of structural members.
  • Apply Planar Cutback – Lets you define the exact measurement by which you reduce the length of a structural member.
  • Update/Edit Cutback – Allows you to utilize the Structural discipline’s Select By Attribute filter and selection utility, so you can make changes to the end treatments to a selected group of members.
  • Connect Forms – Lets you automatically create mitred corner joints between Structural members. with the
    Note: Linear structural members can only be manipulated in the L (Bisector) tool mode.