AECOsim Building Designer Help

Create a mitred joint between two concrete beams

  1. Create a design where two concrete beams are placed in an L shaped configuration. First, select ( Place Concrete Beam ).
  2. In the Placement ribbon tab, set the Place By setting to “Two Points.” Disable Automatic Coping.

  3. Maximize window 1, the top view, and strive to place an unconnected L formation. Be sure AccuDraw is activated. Click to enter the first point of the beam, and in the Y-axis direction, move your pointer approximately -25 feet. Enter a data point to place the end point. Click the Reset button.
  4. Now place your pointer near to the bottom end of the first beam, but below it, as shown in the example. Click to enter the first point of the second beam.

  5. Move your pointer to the right, and in the X-axis direction, approximately 18 feet, enter a data point to place the end point. Click the Reset button.
  6. Select the ( Connect Forms).

    The status bar prompts you to select the first form, so select the vertical beam with a data point. As you select the second form with a data point, AECOsim Building Designer automatically joins the two beams, and creates a miter joint.