Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Named Boundaries Dialog

Used to manage view and apply named boundaries and named boundary groups.

You can access this dialog from the following:

  • Ribbon: Drawing > View > Named Boundaries dialog launcher
  • Ribbon: Drawing > View > Home > Selection > Fence Tools split button
  • Ribbon: Modeling > View dialog launcher
  • Ribbon: Modeling > Home > Selection > Fence Tools split button
  • Ribbon: Visualization > View dialog launcher
  • Ribbon: Visualization > Home > Selection > Fence Tools split button
Place named boundary
Opens the Place Named Boundary tool using which you can create place named boundaries.
Deletes the selected named boundary or named boundary group. Also, if the named boundary is deleted, it's associated saved view is also deleted.
NAMEDBOUNDARY DELETE [ "named_boundary1:group1", ] [ "named_boundary2:group3"... ]
Apply Selecting the down arrow next to the Apply icon gives following options:
  • As Clip Volume - Applies the selected named boundary as a clip volumeclip volume.
  • As Fence - Applies the selected named boundary as a fence.
  • As Clip Mask - Applies the selected named boundary as a clip maskclip mask.
Create Drawing
Opens the Create Drawing dialog in which you can create saved view from the selected named boundary and automate dynamic views.
NAMEDBOUNDARY CREATEDYNAMICVIEW [ "named_boundary1", ] [ "named_boundary2"..., ] [ "groupname" ]
Fit to Named Boundary
Adjusts the magnification such that the selected named boundary is fit in the view.
NAMEDBOUNDARY FITVIEW [ "named_boundary:group" ]
Copy Named Boundary
Starts the Copy Named Boundary tool to create a copy of the selected named boundary. You can change the default name of the named boundary in the Name field of the Copy Named Boundary tool settings window.
Opens the Properties dialog and displays the properties of the selected named boundary or named boundary group.
Named Boundaries list box The named boundaries list box displays the following columns:
  • Name - Name of the named boundary or named boundary group.
    NAMEDBOUNDARY MODIFY NAME [ "named_boundary:group" ]
  • Description - Description of the named boundary or named boundary group.
    NAMEDBOUNDARY MODIFY DESCRIPTION [ "named_boundary:group" ]
  • Detail Scale - Scale of the named boundary.
  • Show - Check box to turn on or off the display of the named boundary or named boundary group.
    NAMEDBOUNDARY SHOW < OFF | ON | TOGGLE > [ "named_boundary:group" ]