Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Analyze Between Points

Used to review elevation, slope, distance and delta information between two selected points of a terrain model or mesh.

You can access this tool from the following:

  • Ribbon: Terrain > Analysis > Points split button
  • Ribbon: Home > Model Analysis and Reporting > Civil Analysis split button

Use the Analyze Between Points tool to review elevation, slope, distance and delta information between two selected points of a terrain model or mesh.


1. Start the tool.

2. Select the terrain model.

3. Datapoint the first point. If the point is outside the terrain model or inside a void, it is not a valid point and therefore not accepted. Another point must be selected.

4. Datapoint the second point. (Use the ALT keyboard button if second point is on a different terrain model.)

5. Distance, slope and delta elevation are reported between the points.



Elevation 1

Elevation in master units of the terrain model or mesh at the X, Y coordinates of the first selected point.

Elevation 2

Elevation in master units of the terrain model or mesh at the X, Y coordinates of the second selected point.

Delta Elevation

Elevation difference (in master units) between elevation 1 and elevation 2.


reports the slope of a line between point 1 and point 2 based on the X,Y coordinates of the two points and their respective terrain elevations. It does not take into account the terrain slopes between the two points.


reports the length of the line between the two points.


reports the direction of a line between point 1 and point 2 based on the X,Y coordinates of the two points.