Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Model Analysis



Analyze Point

Dynamically review information about a selected 2D or 3D design element, terrain model or mesh.

Analyze Between Points

Review elevation, slope, distance and delta information between two selected points of a terrain model or mesh.

Analyze Volume

Compute volumes between two models or a model and plane, and optionally place the results in the file at a user-defined location.

Inverse Points

Computes and displays the distance and direction between each pair of specified points. Several types are supported: linear, arc, radial, perpendicular and by element.

Analyze Trace Slope

Dynamically trace a path on a terrain model or mesh surface.

Analyze Pond

Traces a point downstream to a low point and fills it giving the volume, maximum depth, and maximum elevation. In addition, the pond delineation is graphically displayed.

Component Quantities

Report includes component (concrete, topsoil, shoulders, cut and fill volumes) surface area, volumes, units of measure, unit cost, and component and total cost.

3D Drive Through

Gives the user the capability of viewing 3D models in a more realistic visualization.