Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help





Scenario Manager - Lets you create, edit, and manage scenarios.

Scenario Comparison - Enables you to compare input values between any two scenarios to identify differences quickly.


Lets you specify which alternative to analyze.


Calculation options associated with scenario


Compute Scenario - Calculates the network.

Compute Hydrology - Performs hydrology calculations.

Critical Storm Analysis - Analyzes the results of the selected scenarios, to determine which scenario is the most critical one, either by using the Hydraulic Grade Line at nodes, or the Flow in conduits
Note: This tool is only available if SewerGEMS, SewerCAD, or CivilStorm licenses are active.


Runs a diagnostic check on the network data to alert you to possible problems that may be encountered during calculation.

Time Browser

Opens the Time Browser manager, allowing you to manipulate the currently displayed time step and to animate the drawing pane.

Note: This tool is only available if SewerGEMS, SewerCAD or CivilStorm licenses are active.

Calculation Summary

Opens the calculation summary report, which reports the details of the calculations performed on your model.


Opens the User Notifications Manager, allowing you to view warnings and errors uncovered by the validation process.

System Head Curves

Plots a graph of head vs. flow that shows the head required to move a given flow rate through the pump and into the distribution system.

Note: This tool is only available if SewerCAD license is active.