Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Time Browser

The dialog box contains the following controls:

Time Display Shows the current time step that is displayed in the drawing pane.
Time Slider Lets you manually move the slider representing the currently displayed time step along the bar, which represents the full length of time that the scenario encompasses.
Go to Start Sets the currently displayed time step to the beginning of the simulation.
Play Backward Sets the currently displayed time step from the end to the beginning.
Step Backward Returns the currently displayed time step to the previous time step.
Pause/Stop Stops the animation. Restarts it again with another click.
Step Advances the currently displayed time step to the following time step.
Play Advances the currently displayed time step from beginning to end.
Go to End Sets the currently displayed time step to the end of the simulation.
Record Animation Opens the Record Animation dialog, allowing you to record videos of scenario animations. Click the arrow next to the button to open a submenu containing the Record Animation and Video Player commands.
Options Opens the Time Browser Options dialog box.
Help Opens the online help.
Speed Slider Lets you control the length of the delay between time steps during animations.
Increment Allows you to set the increment between steps.