Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Observed Data Dialog Box

Use this feature to display user-supplied time variant data values alongside calculated results in the graph display dialog. Model competency can sometimes be determined by a quick side by side visual comparison of calculated results with those observed and collection in the field.

  • Get familiar with your data - If you obtained your observed data from an outside source, you should take the time to get acquainted with it. Be sure to identify units of time and measurement for the data. Be sure to identify what the data points represent in the model; this helps in naming your line or bar series as it will appear in the graph.
  • Preparing your data - Typically, observed data can be organized as a collection of points in a table. In this case, the time series data can simply be copied to the clipboard directly from the source and pasted right into the observed data input table. Ensure that your collection of data points is complete. That is, every value must have an associated time value. Oftentimes data points are stored in tab or comma delimited text files; these two import options are available as well. See the Sample Observed Data Source topic for an example of the observed data source file format.
  • Specifying the characteristics of your data - The following charecteristics must be defined:
  • Observed data can only be saved if the graph is saved.
Note: Go to Tools > Tools > More... >Options > Units for a complete list of formats.

To create Observed Data

  1. Click New

  2. Set hours, dimension, and formatter.
  3. Add hours and Y information (or import a .txt or .csv file

  4. Click Graph

    to view the Observed data.
  5. Click Close.