Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Sample Observed Data Source

Below is an example of an Observed Data source for import and graph comparison. The following table contains a flow meter data collection retreived in the field for a given pipe. We will bring this observed data into the model for a quick visual inspection against our model's calculated pipe flows.

Time (hrs) Flow (gpm)
0.00 125
0.60 120
3.00 110
9.00 130
13.75 100
18.20 125
21.85 110

With data tabulated as in the table above, we could simply copy and paste these rows directly into the table in the Observed Data dialog. However if we had too many points to manage, natively exporting our data to a comma delimited text file may be a better import option. Text file import is also a better option when our time values are not formatted in units of time such as hours, as in the table below.

Time (24-hr clock) Flow (gpm)
00:00 125
00.36 120
03:00 110
09:00 130
13:45 100
18:12 125
21:51 110

Below is a sample of what a comma-delimited (*.csv) file would look like:








Note: Database formats (such as MS Access) are preferable to simple spreadsheet data sources. The sample described above is intended only to illustrate the importance of using expected data formats.
To import the comma delimited data points:
  1. Click the Import toolbar button from the Observed Data dialog.
  2. Pick the source .csv file.
  3. Choose the Time Format that applies, in this case, HH:mm:ss, and click OK.