Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Editing Alternatives

You edit the properties of an alternative in its own alternative editor. The first column in an alternative editor contains check boxes, which indicate the records that have been changed in this alternative.

  • If the box is not checked, it means that the record on that line is inherited from its higher-level parent alternative. Inherited records are dynamic. If the record is changed in the parent, the change is reflected in the child. The records on these rows reflect the corresponding values in the alternative’s parent.
  • If the box is checked, the data on that line is local, or specific, to this alternative. It typically means that the record has been modified. You can check the box in order to make data local, so that the parent value is copied. When you uncheck the box the local values are replace with the current parent values and displayed immediately.

To edit an existing alternative, you can use one of two methods:

  • Double-click the alternative to be edited in the Alternatives Manager.


  • Highlight the alternative to be edited in the Alternatives Manager and click the Open button.

In either case, the Alternative Editor dialog box for the specified alternative appears, allowing you to view and define settings as desired.

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