Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Alternatives Manager

The Alternatives Manager lets you create, view, and edit the alternatives that make up the model scenarios. The dialog box consists of a pane that displays folders for each of the alternative types which can be expanded to display all of the alternatives for that type, and a toolbar.

The toolbar consists of the following buttons:

New Opens a submenu containing the following commands: Base Alternative —Creates a new Base Alternative of the currently highlighted type. Child Alternative —Creates a new Child Alternative from the currently highlighted Base Alternative.
Delete Deletes the currently highlighted alternative.
Duplicate Creates a copy of the currently highlighted alternative.
Open Opens the Alternative Editor dialog box for the currently highlighted alternative.
Merge Alternative Moves all records from one alternative to another.
Rename Lets you rename the currently highlighted alternative.
Report Lets you generate a report of the currently highlighted alternative.
Expand All Expands all of the branches in the hierarchy displayed in the list pane.
Collapse All Collapses all of the branches in the hierarchy displayed in the list pane.
Help Displays online help for the Alternatives Manager.