Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help


The hydraulic grade, flow, and depth/rise presented in the Property Editor are the values associated with the middle section of the link. Obviously these values don't give you the full sense of what is going on, so the middle, start, and stop values are also available through the FlexTables, and you can also look at the profile. (For more information, see Viewing and Editing Data in FlexTables and Using Profiles.)

Conduit-Result Attributes

Attribute Description
Flow Representative calculated flow in the conduit. The flow calculated in the middle section of the conduit. This is a calculated results field and is not editable.
Velocity Representative calculated velocity of the flow in the conduit. The velocity calculated in the middle section of the conduit. This is a calculated results field and is not editable. When the conduit is surcharged because of tailwater conditions, the velocity is based on full pipe flow, not normal depth.
Depth/Rise Depth/Rise is computed based on the depth in the middle most section of the link. The link is split into sections by the implicit engine. You can see the sections and it's individual hydraulic parameters by looking at the "Section Results" collection on the property grid for the link.
Depth Depth of the flow in the center of the link.
Is Oveflowing/Surcharged? Conduits are overflowing if the hydraulic grade exceeds the top elevation of the conduit. This is defined by the invert elevations and rise of the shape. For irregular channels it is determined by the maximum most depth in the curve + the binding invert elevations.
Ever Oveflowing/Surcharged? Is true if HGL ever goes above crown over the course of the simulation.
Froude Number Ratio of velocity to the square of the depth of flow times gravity.
Flow (Roadway Overtopping) Amount of flow overtopping the roadway.
Sections Results Lets you view the calculated flow variables at the start, middle and end of the conduit section. Clicking the Ellipses (...) button displays the Sections Results dialog box.
Flow-Area (Middle) The flow-area value in the middle of the conduit.
Flow-Width (Middle) The flow-width value in the middle of the conduit.
Pollutants Collection* Lets you view calculated results for pollutants. Clicking the Ellipses (...) button displays the Pollutants Results dialog box.