Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Using Profiles

A profile is a graph that plots a particular attribute across a distance, such as ground elevation along a section of piping. As well as these side or sectional views of the ground elevation, profiles can be used to show other characteristics, such as hydraulic grade, pressure, and constituent concentration.

You define profiles by selecting a series of adjacent elements. Only conduits, channels, and gutters can be part of a profile. The profile you create displays the structures you selected, plus the relative ground and water elevations.

Note: If there is an active Terrain Model the ground-line based on it will be displayed in the profile view.

To create or use a profile, you can:

  • Open the Profiles manager. The Profiles manager is a dockable window that lets you add, delete, rename, edit, and view profiles.


  • Create a profile from the drawing:
  • Right-click a link element and select Create Profile from the context menu that appears. This creates a profile for just the selected link.
  • Right-click a node element (conduit, channel, gutter) and select Create Profile from the context menu that appears. This creates a profile from that node to the network outfall.
  • When you create a profile from the context menu, the profile is marked as "temporary".
    • When you close the profile viewer for a temporary profile, you are prompted with the following:

      Keep Profile

      This profile has been added to the Profile manager, but will be discarded now unless you wish to keep it.

      Would you like to keep this profile?

    • When you click Yes to this prompt you will have the chance to enter in a label for the profile.
    • Clicking OK will apply the labeled entered to the profile. Clicking cancel will cancel the change of the label and cancel the closing of the profile viewer.
    • Clicking No to the prompt will delete the profile.