Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Place Named Boundary Civil Profile


  1. Access or reference the vertical geometry.
  2. Select the Drawing Seed.
  3. Set the scale and the Station method as desired.
  4. Modify other fields and toggles as needed.
  5. Enable the Create Drawing toggle.
  6. Data point in the Profile Model to place boundaries, then another data point to Accept.
  7. Select OK on the Create Drawing dialog.
Drawing Seed Specifies the drawing seed that sets default values for all of the values on the dialog except the start and stop locations. Also contains definitions for what seed files are used to create the cross sections drawing and seed models including how the drawings are positioned on the sheets.
Detail Scale Sets the scale at which the named boundary will be placed.
Name Enter name of the named boundary.
Description Enter brief description for the new group.
Group Selects the named boundary group. You can also create a new group by selecting New from the drop-down.
  • Station Limits
  • From Plan Group The limits of the profile boundaries will match the plan boundaries in the specified Plan Group.
Plan Group Available if From Plan Group is selected as the method.
Group Selects the named boundary group. You can also create a new group by selecting New from the drop-down.
Name Enter name of the new group.
Description Enter brief description for the new group.
Vertical Exaggeration Specifies the vertical exaggeration for displayed profile. Values greater than 1.0 for this parameter increase the exaggeration.
Available Profile Height The depth of view in model units (unscaled) that the profile view can display before needing to adjust and step the view.
Top Clearance The height in model units (unscaled) above the profile that is maintained relative to the design and or terrain models in the view.
Bottom Clearance The height in model units (unscaled) below the profile that is maintained relative to the design and or terrain models in the view.
Elevation Datum Spacing When a profile is shifted, the starting elevation will always be a multiple of this this value.
Station Datum Spacing The rounding applied to the station location when splitting the profile to generate stepped profiles.
Profile Shifts Datum Stations, Where Needed or Do Not Shift
Use Terrains Enable to use active surface information in drawing the profile.
Use Active Vertical Enable to use active vertical information in drawing the profile.
Create Drawing Opens the Create Drawing dialog after creating the named boundary to create a saved view from the selected named boundary and automate dynamic views.
Show Dialog When enabled, a dialog with additional parameters set by the Drawing Seed is shown.