Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Manhole-SWMM Extended Data

Manhole—SWMM Extended Data Attributes

Attribute Description
Depth (Surcharged) Depth measured from the rim elevation where flooding will begin to occur. If the manhole’s Bolted Cover? attribute is set to True, an artifically high surcharged depth will be applied.
Depth (Initial) Initial water depth in junction. This is a SWMM-only attribute.
Apply Treatment? Lets you specify whether or not treatment is applied at the currently highlighted element. Select True to apply treatment. This field is only used during SWMM calculations.
Treatment Collection Lets you add a collection of pollutants and their associated treatment functions that will be applied at the currently highlighted element. This field is used only during SWMM calculations and is available only if Apply Treatment? is set to True . For more information, see Adding Treatment to a Node.
Pollutograph Collection Lets you define a pollutograph collection for the selected manhole. Click the Ellipses (...) button to display the Pollutograph Collection dialog box, which lets you add multiple pollutographs to the collection. For more information, see Adding Pollutographs to a Node.