Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Adding Pollutographs to a Node

Last updated: October 25, 2019

Pollutographs are plots of time vs. mass rate or time vs. concentration, depending on which constituent inflow type you choose (mass or concentration). You create pollutographs in the Pollutographs dialog box and add them to individual manholes in your model using the node's Property Editor.

To add a pollutograph to a node:

  1. Change the engine type to Explicit (SWMM 5) by performing these steps:
  2. Click Home > Calculation Options.
  3. In the Calculation Options Manager, double-click Base Calculation Options or any other calculation options profile you have created.
  4. In Calculation Options section of the Property Editor, select Explicit (SWMM 5) as the Engine Type.
  5. Define a pollutant by performing these steps:
  6. Click Components > SWMM Extensions > Pollutants.
  7. In the Pollutants dialog box, click the New button to create a new pollutant, then enter all the data that define the pollutant.
  8. Click Close to close the Pollutants dialog box and save your pollutant(s).
  9. Create a pollutograph by performing these steps:
  10. Click Components > SWMM Extensions > Pollutographs.
  11. In the Pollutographs dialog box, click the New button, then click Mass or Concentration to create a new pollutograph.
  12. Enter all the data that define the pollutograph.
  13. For pollutographs based on mass, select a Pollutant, enter a Mass Conversion Factor, then enter Time vs. Mass Rate data points.
  14. For pollutographs based on concentration, select a Pollutant, then enter Time vs. Concentration data points. Subsurface Utilities validates your data as you enter it and displays errors and warnings in the status bar at the bottom of the Pollutographs dialog box. Be sure to check this status bar for any errors or warnings as you enter data.
  15. Optionally, view a report or plot of your pollutograph.
  16. Click Close to save the pollutograph.
  17. Click the desired manhole in your model. The Property Editor for the manhole appears. (If the Property Editor is not already displayed, you must double-click the node in your model.)
  18. In the SWMM Extended Data section of the Property Editor, click the Pollutographs field, then click the Ellipses (...) button.
  19. In the Pollutograph Collection dialog box, add pollutographs to the pollutograph collection by performing these steps:
  20. Click the New button to add a row to the Pollutograph table.
  21. Click the down arrow in the first row then select an existing pollutograph. If there are no pollutographs in your model, you can click the Ellipses (...) button to display the Pollutographs dialog box, where you can create new pollutographs.
  22. Repeat Steps a and b for every pollutograph you wish to add to the collection.
  23. Press OK to close the dialog box and add the collection to the node.
  24. Complete your model, then click the Compute button on the Compute toolbar.
  25. When the model has been successfully computed, open the Property Editor for the node the contains the Pollutograph Collection.
  26. In the Results section of the Property Editor, click the Ellipses (...) button in the Pollutants field to view pollutant results.

Pollutograph Dialog Box

This dialog box contains a toolbar, a list pane on the left that displays all of the pollutographs that have been defined in the current model, and attribute fields on the right that let you enter values for the pollutograph that is currently highlighted in the list pane.

The toolbar contains the following buttons:

New Opens a submenu containing the following options: Mass —Lets you create a plot of time vs. mass rate. Concentration —Lets you create a plot of time vs. concentration.
Delete Deletes the currently-highlighted pollutograph from the list pane.
Rename Lets you rename the currently-highlighted pollutograph.
Report Lets you generate a preformatted report that contains the input data associated with the currently-highlighted pollutograph.

The attribute fields along the right side of the dialog box include:

Pollutant Lets you select the pollutant for the pollutograph. Select the pollutant from the drop-down menu or click the Ellipses (...) button to open the SWMM Pollutants dialog box, where you can define new pollutants.
New This button adds a new row to the pollutograph table.
Delete This button removes the current row from the pollutograph table.
Report Displays a report of the data in the pollutograph table.
Graph Displays a plot of the data in the pollutograph table.
Mass Conversion Factor Lets you enter a mass conversion factor. . This field is available only for pollutographs using mass as the constituent inflow type.
Pollutograph Table Lets you define the pollutograph by entering Time vs. Mass Rate points for pollutographs using mass as the constituent inflow type, or Time vs. Concentration points for pollutographs using concentration as the constituent inflow type.

There is also a status bar located at the bottom of the dialog box that displays any errors and warnings that may occur when you enter data.