OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Place Drawing Title

Used to place a drawing title symbol.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: StationDesigner > Drawing Production > Place Annotation > Coded Note > Drawing Title
Tip: The size of the drawing title symbol is determined by the Scale Factors settings.

Drawing Number Sets the drawing number or reference that will be displayed in the callout.
Sheet Number Sets the sheet number or reference that will be displayed in the callout.
Drawing Title Sets the drawing title that will be displayed in the callout.
Leader Line (Fixed Length/Dynamic) When on, the length of the leader line is a fixed length. The fixed length is determined by the Drawing Title Leader Length setting, Annotate Tool Settings tool. The default setting is 0:0 and the default leader line length is determined by the length of the drawing title. When off, the length of the leader line is controlled by entering a data point.
Drawing Scale Lists the scale of the drawing. This value does not change the drawing scale for the DGN file.
Use Graphic Scale A graphic drawing scale symbol places with the drawing title when on.
Key-in: TFPlace drawing title