OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Annotation Scale

Opens the Properties dialog where you can change the Annotation Scale setting. The appearance of this dialog can be slightly different depending on whether the active model is a Design model or a Sheet model.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: StationDesigner > Drawing Production > Place Annotation > Element Annotation > Annotation Scale
  • Ribbon: StationDesigner > [Discipline] > Common Tools > Models > Annotation Scale
  • Ribbon: StationDesigner > [Drawing Production | Data/Reporting | Analysis | Modify] > Common Tools > Models > Annotation Scale
  • Ribbon: Modeling > Forms > Common Tools > Models > Annotation Scale

The General tab of Properties contains Annotation Scales settings.

Annotation Scale Controls the scale of annotation elements within the current model. The list box of scales also contains a Custom setting that enables the you to enter two values in the text fields, what decide the Paper Scale : Design Scale.
  • TFANNOTATION SCALE opens the Model Properties dialog.
  • TFSCALEFACTOR NOTATION <units> <scale> sets the scale factor for drawing notes such as north arrows, cut view symbols, and center lines.
  • TFSCALEFACTOR TEMPLATE <units> <scale> sets the scale factor for cells such doors and windows.
  • The Annotation Scale tool and key-in commands are an integral part of Building. The Annotation Scale setting is also part of the Model Properties dialog can be opened from the Models dialog.