OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

User Interface and Basic Concepts

This section includes topics on the user interface and other basic concepts. Each topic lists an AutoCAD® concept or command, then describes similar OpenBuildings™ Station Designer commands or concepts.

Color and Color Palette

AutoCAD Color

In OpenBuildings™ Station Designer, the color palette is both balanced and changeable, as opposed to being fixed for all files. To create and save custom color tables for future use, use the Color Table dialog ( File > Settings > File > Color Table ). The default color tables (*.tbl) are stored in ..\Default\Data\ folder in OpenBuildings™ Station Designer's program directory.

Command Line and Key-in Window

AutoCAD "Command:" Prompt

In OpenBuildings™ Station Designer use the Key-in window to manually enter commands. You can either type in commands or select them from the full-sized Key-in window. When you select a command from the list on the left, applicable options are displayed in the adjoining column. To execute the command, click on the Run Key-in icon in the top right corner, or press <Enter>.

Command options are not displayed in the Key-in window; you enter them in the tool settings dialog.

OpenBuildings™ Station Designer includes a set of key-ins that let you use the AutoCAD command syntax to set system variables and initiate commands. These key-ins give you the option of using either AutoCAD or OpenBuildings™ Station Designer syntax.

In OpenBuildings™ Station Designer there are three ways to enter AutoCAD commands and system variables:

  • Enter the DWG prefix, then the AutoCAD command. For example, to place a circle, enter DWG CIRCLE.
  • Enter the command prefix as defined by the configuration variable MS_DWG_COMMANDPREFIX, then the AutoCAD command. The default prefix is the backslash character (\). For example, to place a circle, enter \CIRCLE. To use the command prefix in a DGN file, add the MDL application to the MS_DGNAPPS configuration variable.
  • Enter the command prefix, then a command alias as defined in a PGP file. For example, to place a circle, enter \C (using PGP alias: C, *CIRCLE).

Command Sequence

AutoCAD Command One-time Execution

In OpenBuildings™ Station Designer, the active tool can be run multiple times without dismissing the tool settings window. Once you pick a tool, enter the tool settings, then select data points in the drawing area to complete the command. To reuse the same command, simply reenter settings and data points as many times as desired. There is no need to keep calling the command.

Drafting Settings

AutoCAD's Snap, Grid, Ortho, Osnap, and Lineweight Status Bar Toggles

In OpenBuildings™ Station Designer, you can turn on or off the view display of optional drawing aids, element (object) properties, and certain entity classes (such as dimensions) from the View Attributes dialog. Settings are applied to the window selected in the View Number list.

The View Attributes dialog has many things that you can turn on or off; however, Ortho and AccuSnap are not among them.

  • The Axis Lock setting, when on, is similar Ortho mode.
  • To turn AccuSnap on or off, select Drawing > Drawing Aids > Snaps (S) .

Layers and Levels

AutoCAD Layers

In OpenBuildings™ Station Designer, layers are called levels. Use the Level Manager dialog to create and define attributes for different levels. Levels are given a name and number in a DGN file, but are only named in DWG workmode. Level Manager settings for Color, Style, Weight, Display On/Off, Freeze, and Lock globally affect all models and views in the file. OpenBuildings™ Station Designer also provides symbology overrides, so elements (objects) can take on different symbology than the ByLevel state for the levels on which they are placed. Set this alternate symbology in Level Manager using the Overrides mode, and then turn on Level Overrides in the View Attributes dialog.

The Level Display dialog supports three types of on/off switches to control visibility of elements in DGN workmode. The View Display option is used to turn levels on or off in views 1 to 8. The Global Display option turns off a level in all views and all models, and the Global Freeze option turns off a level in all views and all models. The Viewport Freeze option is available in DWG workmode to allow you to turn off a level in a layout or model.

Linetypes and Line Styles

AutoCAD Linetype Object Property

In OpenBuildings™ Station Designer, a line style is assigned as an entity attribute. Line styles 1 - 7 are the standard OpenBuildings™ Station Designer line codes, with additional line styles available from the resource files lstyle.rsc and acadlstyle.rsc, located in the ..\Default\Symb\ folder in OpenBuildings™ Station Designer's program directory.

To view the list of available line styles or change the line styles list, use the Change Element Attributes tool or the Properties dialog. To create custom modifications of the existing styles as well as new line styles, use the Line Style dialogs ( Drawing > Home > Attributes > Line Style > Settings ), and save the line styles to the resource file.

The scale of the standard line codes is based on screen units instead of drawing units to maintain proper scaling no matter what the zoom factor. To save a file to DWG format, a scale factor must be applied to convert to drawing units. This Line Code Scale setting is found on the Save As DWG/DXF Options dialog.

To set the global line style scale in OpenBuildings™ Station Designer, use the ACTIVE LINESTYLESCALE key-in or Scale Factor field in the Line Styles dialog.

The OpenBuildings™ Station Designer line style definitions are store in line style libraries, which can be attached as needed to the active model.

Line Weight

AutoCAD Line Weight, Defined in Millimeters

In OpenBuildings™ Station Designer, line weight is defined in pixels. When converting a DGN file to DWG, the Line Weight Scale setting on the Save As DWG/DXF Options dialog handles the scale factor so that display of line weights is consistent across formats.

Line weight display is controlled by the View Attributes dialog. To assign line weight per element, use the Change Element Attributes tool or the Properties dialog. To assign line weight by level, use the Level Manager dialog.

Model Space and Paper Space

AutoCAD TILEMODE 0 and 1

A DGN file is composed of models. OpenBuildings™ Station Designer uses design models, drawing models, and sheet models for geometry and documentation. The DGN file format allows an unlimited number of design, drawing, and sheet models into which data can be inserted as cells (blocks), references, or original geometry and annotations. New models can also be designated as cells, and thus can be inserted into other drawings and models as needed. To navigate between models, use the View Groups window docked at the lower left corner of the application window. A new view group is created by default with each new model.

Mouse Functions

AutoCAD Right-Click, Context-Sensitive Menus

In OpenBuildings™ Station Designer, the mouse buttons are used to enter graphic information.

  • Use the left mouse button (the Data button) to select elements and commands. Clicking the left mouse button is known as "entering a data point."
  • Use the right mouse button (the Reset button) to cancel or complete an operation. There are no right-click menus associated with the drawing area or element handles. Right-clicking in a toolbox opens a tool list for hiding and showing tools.
  • Use the middle button on a 3–button mouse (the Tentative button), or the right and left buttons together on a 2–button mouse, to preview snap points.

User Options and User Preferences

AutoCAD User Options

In OpenBuildings™ Station Designer, user preferences are stored in the user preference file *.upf, which is located in the %LOCALAPPDATA%\Bentley\<product_name>\<product_version>\prefs\ folder. These settings persist between sessions. You change these options through the Preferences dialog. To set options that apply only to the current design file, use the Design File Settings dialog.

System Variables

AutoCAD System Variables

In OpenBuildings™ Station Designer, system and user variables are set in the Configuration Variables dialog. Variable categories are listed on the left, and individual variables are listed on the right. When a variable is highlighted, a description appears at the bottom of the dialog.

Note: If the open file is a DWG file, AutoCAD system variables and their values are listed in the Properties dialog. These variables are DWG-specific, and there is no correspondence in the DGN format.
Note: If a DWG file is saved in DGN format, AutoCAD system variable values will not be accessible even if they were inserted in fields. Therefore, it is recommended that you not insert AutoCAD system variable values in fields in a DWG file that you expect to save to DGN format.

Template Files and Seed Files

AutoCAD *.dwt Files

In OpenBuildings™ Station Designer, seed files are used to establish standard file settings that you would otherwise have to enter repeatedly. The file extension remains *.dgn, and the seed files are normally stored in either the ..\Default\Seed\ folder of OpenBuildings™ Station Designer's program directory, or ..\Organization\Seed\ folder of the Configuration directory. When creating a new OpenBuildings™ Station Designer file, you must select the seed file in the New dialog. The seed file determines, among other things, whether the file will be 2D or 3D.

In OpenBuildings™ Station Designer you can use a DWG seed to create a DWG file or a DGN seed to create a DGN file. The resulting new file is based on the seed. This applies only to the creation of a new file using the ribbon File > New command. If you select File > Save As from the ribbon you still create a new file but it is not based on a seed, it is based on the file being saved.

When saving (converting) files from one format to another, you also use the ribbon File > Save As command. The contents of the new file are identical to the contents of the file being saved.

Units Settings

AutoCAD DDUNITS (Format > Units) Command

In OpenBuildings™ Station Designer, drawing units for the current file are set under the Working Units category of the Design File Settings dialog. The unit settings are applied to measurements, cells, references, and dimensions.

When opening a DWG file in OpenBuildings™ Station Designer, the DWG Open Options dialog contains options for units to be used in the DWG file format. The most reliable way to retrieve units from an existing DWG file is to use the Design Center Units setting for these options.

View Controls

AutoCAD Zoom, Pan, and Orbit Commands

In OpenBuildings™ Station Designer, a view control bar is located at the top of each view window. These tools control update (redraw), zoom, fit (zoom extents), rotate, pan, and display style (wireframe, hidden line, etc.). View controls can be applied to one view window or to all. When a 3D file is open, additional 3D display controls are available so that solids and surfaces can be rendered in various ways.

Results from the OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Fit View tool can look different from the results from AutoCAD Zoom Extents. The OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Fit View tool fits only visible geometry, while the AutoCAD Zoom Extents area includes layers that have display turned off.

Viewports and View Windows

AutoCAD VPORTS Command or View Menu > Viewports

In OpenBuildings™ Station Designer use View tab's View Groups group to open and close as many as eight view windows per design, drawing, and sheet model. Alternatively, use the View Groups tool bar, docked below the drawing area, to turn on or off the numbered view window. Use commands on the Window group to tile, cascade, or arrange views.

When using view attribute and visualization commands in OpenBuildings™ Station Designer, you must select the view(s) to which the command is to be applied.

Use saved views to name and save view attributes for later use.