OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Level Display Dialog

Used to turn on and turn off levels in a model. Also used to apply filters created in the Level Manager dialog to a model.

You can access this dialog from the following:
  • Ribbon: Drawing > Home > Primary
  • Ribbon: Modeling > Home > Primary
  • Ribbon: Visualization > Home > Primary
  • Ribbon: Admin > Home > Primary
  • Toolbox: Primary Tools
  • Default keyboard shortcut: <Ctrl+E>
  • Default Function key menu: <Ctrl+F7>

You can dock the Level Display dialog to the left, right, top or bottom edge of the application window.

Apply To Open Views

If on, targets the open views for level display settings adjustment.
Apply to Selected View

If on, targets the selected view for level display settings adjustment.
level display setting (option menu) Sets the level display for this dialog.

Turning on or off View Display, Global Display, Global Freeze (for DGN files), or Viewport Freeze (for DWG files) is the same as thawing or freezing levels, with one difference. These settings determine whether any cells or references placed on that level will be or will not be displayed.

  • For attached references created prior to OpenBuildings™ Station Designer V8i (SELECTseries 1) — If View Display is off, or if Global Freeze or Viewport Freeze is on for the level on which the reference is placed, elements in the reference are not displayed.
  • For attached references created in OpenBuildings™ Station Designer V8i (SELECTseries 1) or later — If View Display or Global Display is off, or if Global Freeze or Viewport Freeze is on for the level on which the reference is placed, elements in the reference are not displayed.
  • View Display — Changes in the level display affect the chosen view in the active model or the level set by CAPABILITY_LEVELS_VIEWDISPLAY.
  • Global Display — Changes in the level display affect all views in all models in the open file.
  • Global Freeze — (DGN files only) Indicates whether the level is frozen. If frozen, elements on the level are not displayed and cannot be printed. AutoCAD® XREFs and layout viewports are always assigned a level, but references to DGNs can also be assigned to a level set by CAPABILITY_REFERENCE_ATTACHLEVEL.
  • Viewport Freeze — (DWG files only) Changes in the level display affect all views in only the open sheet model (DWG layout viewport). When Viewport Freeze is on, elements on the frozen levels are not displayed and cannot be printed. CAPABILITY_LEVELS_VPFREEZE sets the viewport freeze.
Change Level

Opens the Change Level tool, which is used to the display or locked status of a level.
Show Target Tree

Changes the display of the target tree, which is used to set the target model for level display settings changes or sets the model as a target.
List Filter If the Show Level Names or Filters option menu is set to Levels, sets the Filter — named or defined on-the-fly— applied to level display
Show Level Names or Filters (option menu) Determines the contents of the list box.
  • Filters — Lists level filters defined in the open file (and in reference attachments if they are included in the target tree).
  • Levels — Lists the levels in the open file (and in reference attachments if they are selected in the target tree).
Dialog Settings

Pops up the Level Display Settings dialog, which is used to set the properties of the Level Display dialog.
Target tree Used to select the target model for level display settings changes. This tree control enables selection of the active model, another model in the open DGN file, or an attached reference in the open file or another file, as the target.

Right-clicking in the target tree area opens up a pop-up menu with the following options:

  • Reference — opens the References dialog or Attach Reference dialog.
  • Update Levels
  • Select All
  • Select None
  • Invert Selection
  • Cut
  • Copy
  • Paste
  • Properties
Note: A dimmed entry in the tree indicates that the display of that reference is turned off.
Levels (list box) Lists the levels (or filters if Show Level Names or Filters is set to Filters) in the target model.

Right-clicking the title of the list box brings up a pop-up menu with the following options:

  • Save Layout
  • Name – displays the name of the level.
  • Library — shows whether the level was imported from a library.
  • Number
  • Description
  • File in which it resides
  • Logical — either Master (for the open DGN file) or the reference Logical name.
  • Color – indicates either the ByLevel or Override color, depending on the value of the symbology in the Level Manager dialog.
  • Style – indicates either the ByLevel or Override style, depending on the value of the symbology in the Level Manager dialog.
  • Weight – indicates either the ByLevel or Override weight, depending on the value of the symbology in the Level Manager dialog.
  • Material – indicates either the ByLevel or Override material, depending on the value of the symbology in the Level Manager dialog.
  • Lock — indicates whether the level is locked. If locked, you cannot manipulate or modify its existing elements. However, you can copy elements on locked levels. You can click in the Lock column to change the level's Lock setting.
  • Plot — indicates whether elements on the level can be printed.
  • Used — shows whether the level is used in it references.
  • Elements — lists the number of elements on the level.
  • New Level— indicates whether the specified level is new.
  • Show All
  • List – opens the Show/Hide Tools option box, which allows you to turn display options on and off.
  • Restore Defaults

Right-clicking on a level in the list box, pops up the following options.

  • Set Active - Sets the selected (highlighted) level to the active level in the active model.
  • Jump to Active Level - Takes you to the active level. This is particularly useful when working with a large number of levels because it eliminates the need to scroll through the level list to find the active level.
  • Create Display Set - Creates a displayset.
  • All On - Turns on all levels in the file (and attached references if they are included in the Target field).
  • All Off - Turns off all levels in the file (and attached references if they are included in the Target field).
  • Invert On/Off - Selects all unselected levels and deselects all selected levels listed in the dialog.
  • Off By Element - Opens the Change Level tool in Display Off mode.
  • All Except Element - Opens the Change Level tool in Display Only mode.
  • Save Filter - If Show Level Names or Filters is set to Levels, and if List Filter is set to Untitled, All Levels, or a filter is select from the Filter List, the filter row appears allowing you to create an on-the-fly filter. Clicking Save Filter opens the Save Filter dialog for saving and naming the filter.
  • Level Manager - Opens the Level Manager dialog.
Key-in: SET LEVELS < OFF | ON > [ level-spec ]
Key-in: REFERENCE LEVELS < OFF | ON | TOGGLE > [ reference_attachment ]