OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Drawing Composition Tools and Utilities

The below table lists the OpenBuildings™ Station Designer and Platform tools commonly used to create and manage sheets and drawings for Building drawing production.

Building drawing production tools

Tool Description
Create Floor Plan Used to create Building floor plans and drawings. This tool reads floor definitions from the Floor Manager, the IFC i-model, and from named ACS definitions and shapes. You can use single floor definitions or floor definition sets to create floor plans.
Smooth Arc Wall Facets When a dynamic view is created at a zoom level where the extents are large, arc walls may appear faceted. This command is used to smooth the arc wall facets.
Annotation Scale Opens the Properties dialog of the model where you can change the Annotation Scale settings. The appearance of this dialog can differ slightly depending on whether the active model is a Design model or a Sheet model.
Refresh Automatic Annotations Select this tool to manually run the Automatic Annotations utility. This utility refreshes annotations on drawings and sheets when they are created, opened, or referenced.

Platform drawing production tools

Tool Description
Explorer Used to browse and manage the content within a file and see the linked data.
Add a Link to an Element After you have created links in a link set, you can attach one or more of these links to an element in the open DGN file. This allows you to click the element and open the files that are linked to it.
Create New Design Model Creates a new 3D model in the active DGN file.
Create New Sheet Model Creates a new 2D sheet model in the active DGN file.
Define Sheet Boundary Used to define the layout of the paper for plotting a Sheet model. The tool allows you to set the size (height and width), scale, rotation, and border attachment of the paper.
Attach Reference Opens the Attach Reference dialog, which lets you attach a model to the active model.
Clip Reference Uses a boundary, such as an element or fence, to clip a Reference. The area of the Reference outside the boundary is not displayed.
Change Presentation Changes the presentation of attached References by changing the view attributes when working with dynamic views, or when working with any reference file.
Set Reference Presentation Sets options for displaying References. These options include Wireframe, Visible Edge, Filled Visible Edge, and three types of Shading.
Detach Reference Detaches a Reference from the active model.
Place Plan Callout Used to place a plan callout and, optionally, create a saved view and dynamic view.
Place Section Callout Used to section a model along a plane defined with data points. The section is controlled by the annotation symbol.
Place Elevation Callout Used to view a model from a position defined by the orientation of an elevation callout symbol. The elevation is controlled by the annotation symbol.
Place Detail Callout Used to isolate and magnify the view of a portion of a saved view or of a design model. The detail is controlled by the annotation symbol.
Clip Volume Opens the Apply Clip Volume dialog. Use this utility to limit the displayed volume for a view to the region within a clipping element. This is useful when working within a limited model volume, without being hindered by geometry outside the region of interest. When a clip volume is applied to a view, only elements located within the clip volume display. Each view can have a different clip volume applied.
Clear Clip Volume Used to clear a clip volume from a view. Upon removing a clip volume, the 3D model continues to be a Building View. To change this, click Demote View in the View Attributes dialog, Building panel, General tab.
Show/Hide Clip Volume Used to change the display of a view's clip volume element.
Place Drawing Title Used to place a drawing title in a model. The drawing title is always aligned to the bottom of the sheet.
Place Title Text Used to place title text in a model.
Place Cloud By Points Used to place a revision cloud.
Place Cloud By Element Used to create a revision cloud by modifying or copying an existing element. Clouds also may be created from multiple elements in a selection set.