OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Symbol Manager

Used to create and manage Electrical symbols.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: StationDesigner > Electrical > Symbol Manager > Symbol Manager
  • Ribbon: StationDesigner > Electrical > Symbols > More..

Symbol Manager treeview Lists all available libraries and library sections.
Symbol, No, Description listview Lists all Symbols.
Symbol Manager Toobar
  • Update — Updates standard objects and structures. Only necessary for Electrical discipline library updates.
  • New — Creates entry for new symbols, displayed as:
  • — Copy symbol(s) to Clipboard. Select symbol(s) in listview above.
  • — Cut and Copy symbol(s) to Clipboard. Select symbol(s) in listview above.
  • — Copy symbol(s) from Clipboard.
  • Insert before — New symbols are inserted before the selected symbol in library, when checked.
  • — Erases selected symbols, after prompting a confirmation message Do you really want to erase the selected symbols? [Y/N].
  • — Exit Symbol Manager dialog.
Symbol tab
  • 2D Cell Name — Contains Cell name of symbol.
  • = — Click to create new symbols if you want the description to be the same as the cell name.
    • Description — Enter symbol description (up to 128 characters).
  • Symbol Size
    • Use Scale Factor (switches etc.) — New symbol size is set with symbol size factor in Drawing Setup.
    • Use Actual Size (light fixtures etc.) — New symbol will be drawn scaled (real-world measurements).
    • User Defined Size (distribution panels etc.) — New symbol sizes are entered before it's insertion into the drawing.
  • — Select cell in drawing to import as a new symbol. Symbol properties transferred automatically.

    AutoZoom for Icon-Creation — Automatically generates a zoom window around the new symbol, symbol preview is shown in symbols listview.

  • Save — Save settings for symbol.
  • Load — Enter Load information (Watts) for symbol.
  • Phase selection box — Select phase for interface to AMTECH ProDesign.
    Options available:
    • 1 Phase
    • 2 Phase
    • 3 Phase
  • Device Type — Enter Device Type for interface to AMTECH ProDesign.
  • Define — Opens the Device Types dialog.
  • IFC Class — Applies selected IFC (Industry Foundation Class) features to 3D symbols.

  • Parts and Family — Parts and Family include range of electrical components -lighting fixtures, lighting protection equipment, power receptacles, fire alarms, telecommunications equipment, control systems, etc.

    Applies selected parts for the Electrical family to current symbol cell.

  • 3D
    • Type — Displays basic shape for 3D symbol visualization.
    • Size — Shows X,Y and Z sizes for 3D symbol visualisation.
    • Insert — Shows Insertion point for 3D symbol visualisation.
  • Edit — Edit 3D symbol information. Opens the 3D Properties dialog.
  • Tag-Style — Pull-down menu with available Tag Styles.
    • New — Opens the Tag-Style Properties dialog to create new Tag-Style.

      Name – Enter new Tag-Style name here.

      rotate with symbol – When checked, tags align to rotated symbols.

    • Edit — Opens the Tag-Style Properties dialog.

      Enter new name for Tag-Style to overwrite.

    • Erase — The BBES Database Server Request confirmation message prompts.
      Are you sure? [Y/N]
      Select Yes to erase Tag-Style, No to close the dialog without deleting the Tag-Style.
    • Select... — Select symbol in drawing to assign Tag arrangement to Tag-Style. Press right mouse button to return to Symbol Manager.
Note: Make sure to click Save in Symbol Manager to permanently save the Tag-Style.
Group tab
  • Level — Shows Level that symbols in this group are automatically placed on. When inserted in drawing.
    Note: It is possible to enter more than one level for a symbol. Electrical application will then bring up the Select Level dialog.
    • Select — Opens the Pick Level dialog.
    • Define — Opens the Levels dialog.
    • Import — Adds level definitions to active level group.
  • Subtypes — Lists Subtypes available for symbol group.
  • Applications — Lists all available Applications for symbol group.
  • Tags — Lists all available Tags for symbol group.
Library tab
  • BBES Level — Displays all Levels available for the active symbol library.
    • Replace using level — Displays the replacement Level(s) for the Levels in BBES Level listview shown above.
    • Select — Opens the Pick Level dialog. Select Level(s) for replacement.
    • Define — Opens the Levels / Level Group dialog. Create new Levels here. Levels will then be available under Select.
  • BBES Tags — Displays all Tags available for active symbol library.
    • Edit — Click to change Level for Tag. Tags can be placed on different Levels as symbols.

      Opens the Tag Properties dialog.

      You can choose to mark the tag Invisible.

    • Define — Opens the Levels / Level Group dialog. You can create new Levels here.