OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

3D Properties

Used to create 3D views for symbols and also Clearances for collision detections. Can also be used to override 3D settings for symbols in Symbol Manager.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: StationDesigner > Electrical > Symbols > Modify > 3D Properties

3D Visualisation combo box Select one of the visualization options provided to get symbol properties.
Options available:
  • ‹Symbol Manager› — (3D properties are taken from settings in Symbol Manager
  • ‹none› — (no 3D properties)
  • Box — (3D visualisation based on a 3D box object)
  • Cylinder — (3D visualisation based on a 3D cylinder object)
  • Tube — (3D visualisation based on a 3D tube object)
  • BBES Symbol — (Use 3D information from another Electrical symbol)
Symbol Activates for BBES Symbol 3D Visualisation. When clicked, opens Symbol Manager. 3D Properties are copied from selected symbol and a preview is displayed.
Size Displays the symbol dimension.
  • X | Y | Z — side dimensions for Box type symbol.
  • 2r | h — diameter and height dimensions for Cylinder and Tube type symbol.
  • From Symbol — when checked, some dimensions are taken from the actual symbol.
Insertion Defines 3D insertion point in one of the six sides provided in the options. Applicable to shape type -Box, Cylinder, Tube symbols.
Use 3D elevation for 2D symbol When checked, 2D component of a symbol is elevated to the height of the 3D.
Clearance Space Set to overwrite the Collision Detection settings in Symbol Manager.
  • Local Overwrite — When checked, allows you to set Clearance 1 and -2.
    • Delta X, Delta Y, Delta Z — Defines offset from symbol insertion point.
    • Size X, Size Y, Size Z — Defines size of Clearance .
OK Sets symbol 3D properties.
Cancel Closes the dialog without setting.