OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Place Symbol By Door

Used to place symbol at the nearest end of selected door (arc) and aligns automatically to doors.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: StationDesigner > Electrical > Symbols > Place > By Door

Selecting the door in the drawing opens the Place Symbol dialog.
Select Symbol Opens the Symbol Manager dialog. Select symbol to place. Symbol is shown as in preview box.
2D Options for symbol placement in 2D.
  • Symbol insertion angle — Set insertion angle for symbols.
    Options available:
    • 0 degrees
    • 90 degrees
    • 180 degrees
    • 270 degrees
  • Rel. Angle — Enter insertion angle manually. Also accepts negative (-) degrees.
  • Offset X — Enter offset for symbol from insertion point in X-Axis (horizontal).
  • Offset Y — Enter offset for symbol from insertion point in Y-Axis (vertical).
  • Flip — When checked, flips symbol in opposite direction.
3D Options for 3D visualisation of symbols.
  • Height — Enter 3D height manually.
  • Offset Y — Moves symbol 3D visualisation Y-axis (vertical).
> Preview Shows preview of symbol in the drawing with selected settings. The dialog disappears momentarily. Click in the view to return to Align Symbol dialog.
> CAD Inserts symbol into drawing.
Cycle When checked, function repeats itself.
Cancel Closes the dialog.