OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Place Symbol

Used to insert single symbols into the drawing.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: StationDesigner > Electrical > Symbols > Place > Place

Symbol Library treeview Current project symbol library listed in a treeview. Select and expand library section.
Note: Select current project symbol library in Design File Setup. You should have Cyclic Symbol Dialog option checked in Design File Setup to be able to switch between different symbols.
Symbol Subtype Lists Symbol Subtypes. Double-click on subtype to insert symbol with subtype attached.
Select Opens the Pick Subtype dialog.
Define Opens the Subtype dialog.
Symbols listview Lists all symbols of selected library section. Select symbol to insert into drawing.
Height Enter 3D height for symbol manually.
Rotation Sets insertion angle for symbol.
Options available:
  • 0 degrees
  • 90 degrees
  • 180 degrees
  • 270 degrees
Selected angle appears in Angle field.
  • Angle field — Enter insertion angle manually. Also, accepts negative (-) degrees.
OK Places symbol in drawing.

Symbol appears on cursor, place by clicking data point, then click reset.

Cancel Closes the dialog.