STAAD.Pro Help

M.To create an I shape user table section

To create a user-provided table section with an I section profile, including those with composite flanges or tapered web depth, use the following procedure.

You may want to change the input dimensions prior to creating user provided table sections. Select Tools > Set Current Input Unit to do so.

This user-provided section allows you to specify a tapered I-Section with an optional composite top flange. For I sections with a bottom steel plates, you must create a prismatic wide flange section. Alternatively, you may use a tapered I section when a non-composite section is required.

  1. On the Specification ribbon tab, select the User Table > User Table Manager tool in the Beam Profiles group.

    If no User Defined Table exists, you will be prompted to create one.

    The User Table Manager dialog opens.
  2. Click New Table. The New User Table dialog opens.
  3. the Select Section Type list, select ISECTION and then click OK. The dialog closes and the Table Data list in the User Table Manager dialog now has at least one entry.
  4. Click Add. The ISection dialog opens.
  5. Type a Section Name.
  6. 必須: Enter the following wide flange section parameters:
    Depth at Start Node
    The overall depth of the section at the starting node.
    Depth at End Node
    The overall depth of the section at the ending node.
    注記: This must be less than or equal to the depth at the start node (i.e., the section depth must taper down from start to end nodes or remain constant depth).


  7. (オプション) To specify a composite top flange:
    1. Check the Additional Composite Flange option. The Additional Composite Flange Specifications become active.
    2. Specify the following values:
      Width of the composite slab to the left of the web center line
      Thickness of the composite slab
      Width of the composite slab to the right of the web center line
      Modular Ratio
      Modular ratio of the concrete in the composite slab with respect to the steel section material
  8. (オプション) Specify the section properties Torsional Constant (Ix), Shear Area in Y (Ay), and Shear Area in Z (Az).

    If positive values are entered, then those values are used for each of these section properties. If a zero is entered, then the program will calculate these values. If a negative value is used, then the absolute value of each is applied as a factor for that section property.

    The remaining section properties are calculated at finite points along the section for use in the analysis.

  9. Click OK.
  10. (オプション) Repeat steps 4 through 9 to add more I sections.
    ヒント: The I sections in the same user table can have different options for composite flanges or section depths.
  11. Click Close.

The section can now be added for use in the Properties - Whole Structure dialog by selecting it in the User Property Table dialog.