RM Bridge Modeler Help

Cross Section: Boundary creation

This dialog is opened immediately after boundary is created. If boundary line segment uses same construction line as any other boundary and if both line segments overlap (example: composite), then longer line segment is split. The effect of this splitting is that the subdivision points at "shared" line segments will always move together and that generated elements between both boundaries will match. Same behavior can be expected if creating closed constraint within outer boundary (example is shear lag area). Splitting boundary line segments or merging them back together can also be done interactively.


The name box is used for boundary name.


One of the types: outer boundary, boundary as a hole, boundary as closed constraint, boundary as opened constraint.

Outer boundary

If boundary is a hole or a constraint, its parent has to be set. The list shows only available outer boundaries.


One of the existing parts may be chosen to assign the boundary (and its elements if it is meshed) to it.


This is only display information. It shows total perimeter of the boundary. This value may help for easier choosing of maximal edge length if subdividing the boundary.

Generate global subdivision points

Boundary will be subdivided with global subdivision points if this item is turned on. It is initially turned on and cannot be switched off in special case when created boundary is just a single circle (reason: circle with just single point at angle 0.0 degrees cannot be meshed). It is suggested that circle (or its part) should contain at least few subdivision points.

Maximal edge length

It is the maximal distance between two subdivision points at the boundary. No subdivision points will be placed at boundary line segment if its length is smaller than given maximal edge length. Value is set to 1/8 of the boundary perimeter if boundary is just a single circle.

Shear lag property

One of three different states are possible. They can be set for any type of the boundary, but will have no effect if boundary is opened constraint or a hole.

Shear factors

Three factors for the shear reduction may be entered. These factors correspond to the appropriate component Qy, Qz and Mz of the internal forces. Factors can be set for any type of the boundary, but will have no effect if boundary is opened constraint or a hole.

The usage of cross section variables ( without dimension ) allows to vary the factors along the segment. In this case, the value is defined by the variable and is not an input 

Default: Factor-Qy = Factor-Qz = Factor-Mx = 1.0


Draw parameters may be changed in a further input window (csboundext ).