RAM Structural System Help

New dialog

Used to create a new project database.

Opens when either:
  • File > New is selected
  • the New tool is selected

In the RAM Structural System, all model data is stored in a project database. When a database is created, defaults (defined in the ramis.ini file) are attached to the model. The defaults include building and steel codes, deflection criteria, camber options, stud criteria, deck and steel tables used, DXF file generation defaults, and miscellaneous design parameters and defaults.

Note: You can change any defaults assigned to the model by selecting any of the Criteria commands.
File Name To create a new database, type a database name that is no more than 255 characters long (including the file path). RAM Manager adds the extension automatically. Typing a file name that already exists will result in an error message.
Job Name If entered, will be printed in the header of each report.
Save as Type This drop-down list is used to select the file extension for the database. The only file type available is .rss.
Units The units selected should be those desired on the final output reports.
  • English
  • SI
  • Metric

Units may be changed at any time though the Criteria > Units command, but an initial system of units must be specified so that correct model defaults can be selected. Some of the default values the are dependant up on the system of units selected include material properties such as steel Fy or concrete f'c and DXF drawing information defining grid extensions and bubble size.