RAM Structural System Help

To create a new project

To create a new database for a project, use the following procedure.

The system administrator specifies the data directory and units when installing RAM Structural System. To select model units provides information on modifying the Units on a model-by-model basis. Additional information on modifying program defaults, such as Units, is available in Customizing the RAM Structural System.

  1. Either:

    select File > New


    select the New tool

    The New dialog opens prompting for the name of the database to be created, a job description, and the system of units (English, SI, or Metric) to be used.
  2. (Optional) Select a directory in which to save the database. By default, the database will be saved in the Data directory.
    Tip: Entering a database name that already exists in the Data directory will result in a warning message being issued.
  3. Type a File name.
  4. Select the system of Units.

    The Units selected should be those desired on the final output reports. Units may be changed at any time while working with a model, but an initial system of units must be specified so that correct model defaults can be selected. Some of the default values that are dependent upon the system of units selected include material properties such as steel Fy or concrete f’c and DXF drawing information defining grid extensions and bubble size.

  5. (Optional) Type a Job Name used to describe the project.
  6. Click Save.

The new project database is created within the Data directory or the selected directory.