RAM Structural System Help

Design menu

Menu Item Description Shortcut

RAM Steel Beam
Opens the RAM Steel Beam Design module, which is used to design the gravity beams in the model either interactively or in batch mode.

Upon opening the RAM Steel Beam Design Module, the database status is checked, and reframing (the process of determining member loading patterns) is automatically performed if a change in the model or in the Building Codes selection is detected.


RAM Steel Column
Opens the RAM Steel Column Design module, which is used to design the gravity columns in the model either interactively or in batch mode.

Upon opening the RAM Steel Column Design Module, the database status is checked, and reframing (the process of determining member loading patterns) is automatically performed if necessary.


RAM Frame
Opens the RAM Frame module, which is used to analyze the lateral members in the model.

Upon opening the RAM Frame Module, the database status is checked, and reframing (the process of determining member loading patterns) is automatically performed if a change in the model or in the Building Codes selection is detected.


RAM Concrete
Opens the RAM Concrete module, which is used to design the gravity and frame concrete columns, beams, and walls in the model either interactively or in batch mode.
Note: Prior to invoking RAM Concrete, RAM Frame should be opened and an Analyze performed if the Wind and Seismic forces are to be included in the design of the concrete frame members.

Upon opening the RAM Concrete Module, the database status is checked, and reframing (the process of determining member loading patterns) is automatically performed if a change in the model or in the Building Codes selection is detected.


RAM Foundation
Opens the RAM Foundation module, which is used to design the spread and continuous footings in the model either interactively or in batch mode.
Note: Prior to invoking the Foundation module, the RAM Steel Column Design module should be invoked and a Design All performed to design the gravity steel columns and baseplates, if any, and the RAM Frame module should be invoked and an analyze performed to calculate the reactions from Frame members, if any.

RAM Concept
Opens the RAM Concept dialog, which is used to export elevated slab and mat foundation data to RAM Concept for analysis and design using that program. <Ctrl+T>

RAM Connection
Opens the RAM Connection program, which is used for the design of steel framing connections. <Ctrl+N>