RAM Structural System Help

Update ISM Repository

To update an existing ISM repository using the currently loaded RAM Structural System model select the File – ISM – Update ISM Repository command.

If model changes have not been saved, a dialog will be displayed to [Save], [Discard] or [Cancel] the operation. If either [Save] or [Discard] is selected, or the model was already in a saved state, the currently loaded RAM model will close. A dialog titled “Select ISM Repository to Update” will open. Specify the ISM repository desired and click the [Select] button to continue or [Cancel] to abandon the update. Note that this is the same dialog as is displayed in the Create ISM Repository section.

The common ISM link dialog will now display with the title "Update Repository". The RAM model is exported to a temporary ISM repository. This temporary repository is used by the Structural Synchronizer application to identify candidate model changes and is not seen by the user.

If deck mappings are needed and cannot be found, the same series of “Deck Mappings” dialogs as shown in the Create ISM Repository section will display. Click the [Cancel] button on the Update Repository dialog at any time during the export to abort the update.

The Bentley Structural Synchronizer application will launch after the ISM link finishes exporting of the RAM model. In the Structural Synchronizer, accept or reject changes as desired and click [Update Repository] to finish the update or [Cancel] to abort.

RAM Manager will automatically reload the previously closed RAM model after Structural Synchronizer closes. Note that this may take some time as Structural Synchronizer finalizes repository creation. After reviewing the Log tab if desired, click the [Close] button to dismiss the “Update Repository” dialog.