RAM Structural System Help

Bison Precast Units

This feature is only available in the UK and where Bison Precast Units are available. It is not available in the United States.

Bison Concrete Products Limited is the largest producer of precast concrete floors in the United Kingdom. The use of Bison Hollowcore and solid prestressed slabs, composite with the structural steel, is a common construction technique. There are a number of advantages to using Bison precast planks: a reduction in the total tonnage of structural steel, erection speed and reduced site operations, among others. The capability to design composite beams with Bison precast units has been incorporated in the RAM Steel Beam Design module.

A brief description of the design capabilities is described below. Except as noted, the design features and capabilities of the RAM Structural System using Bison precast units are the same as those using any other composite deck. Contact Bison for more information on the use of Bison precast units.