RAM Concept Help

Generate the longitude spans

  1. Choose Layers > Design Strips > Longitude Design Spans Plan.
  2. Double click the Span Segment tool ().
  3. Click the Column Strip tab. The defaults set up in the Latitude Design Spans Plan will have remained the same. Since the cover cannot be the same for both directions, change it for the longitudinal direction.
    1. Change CS Top Cover to 41 mm.
    2. Change CS Bottom Cover to 37 mm.
    3. Click OK.
  4. Click the Generate Spans tool (), or choose Process > Generate Spans.
  5. In the Generate Spans dialog box:
    1. Set Spans to Generate to Longitude.
    2. Click the "up-down" orientation button tool ().
  6. Click OK.
The spans appear in the longitude direction.

Design Strip: Longitude Design Spans Plan.

One span segment on grid 2 is slightly skewed due to the column wall detail at C2. Another span segment overlays a wall and is unnecessary since the slab is continuously supported (see "Drawing design strips near walls" for discussion).