ProjectWise Geospatial Explorer Help

New Document Dialog

Used to create a new ArcMap document in the active ProjectWise datasource.

Add Document to ProjectWise Adds the new document to ProjectWise.
Name Specifies the name of the document.
Description Describes the document.
Type Specifies the type of document to create, can be MXD or MXT.
File Name Specifies the name of the file. Extension .MXD or .MXT will be used if not specified.
Folder Specifies the name of the ProjectWise folder the document will be stored in.
Application Used to set the application to associate with the document. ESRI ArcMap is selected by default.
Template Used to select the template to create the map document. If no template is selected, the Normal.mxt file is used ($(USERPROFILE)\App~Data\ESRI\ArcMap\Templates\Normal.mxt).

Clicking the Browse button opens the Select Template dialog, which lets you browse for a template file.

OK Creates the new ArcMap document and closes the dialog.
Cancel Closes the dialog without creating a new document.