ProjectWise Administrator Help

Selecting the ProjectWise Databases to Upload Data From

Important: If your organization's ProjectWise Design Integration Server and databases are hosted by Bentley, then the Bentley Managed Services team will take care of performing the installation and configuration described below on behalf of your organization. If your ProjectWise Design Integration Server and databases are deployed on-premise (at your organization), then your organization's database administrator will perform the installation and configuration described below.

ProjectWise Analytics Data Upload Service is the on-premise component of ProjectWise Project Insights that is used to collect data from selected ProjectWise databases and upload it to the ProjectWise Project Insights portal of your ProjectWise project.

The ProjectWise Analytics Data Upload Service can be installed through the ProjectWise Administrator installer. You can also download the ProjectWise Analytics Data Upload Service from the Software Downloads website.

Once you install ProjectWise Analytics Data Upload Service, you will use the Upload Service Administrator to select which ProjectWise databases you want to collect and upload data from. This establishes a data pipeline between your ProjectWise database(s) and the ProjectWise Project Insights service. At this point, no data is uploaded yet, because the Upload Service does not yet know which specific work area in that datasource to upload data from, or which project to upload data to. Data upload will begin (according to the schedule you set) once a work area from the selected datasource (database) is associated to a ProjectWise project in which ProjectWise Project Insights is turned on.

The Upload Service will also regularly update the portal with the latest information from these databases, based on the data collection and upload schedules you set up.