ProjectWise Administrator Help

Broadcast and Listener Ports Used by Servers

When ProjectWise Explorer clients use UDP to broadcast requests to ProjectWise servers on the network, the default port that the ProjectWise server uses to receive and respond to these requests is 5799. This is referred to as the broadcast port. When clients use the ProjectWise Network Configuration Settings dialog to establish a TCP connection to the server, the default port that the server uses to listen for these client connections is port 5800. This is referred to as the listener port.

The following sections are included in a ProjectWise server's DMSKRNL.CFG file for configuring broadcasting and listening settings:

; ------------------------------------------------------------ 
; Section defines broadcasting settings (UDP connections)
; ------------------------------------------------------------
; Port number for broadcasting list of datasources

; Name of service in etc\services file to use if port is not specified
; ------------------------------------------------------------
; Section defines listening settings (TCP connections)
; ------------------------------------------------------------
; Port number for incoming TCP connections
; Name of service in etc\services file to use if port is not specified

Changing the default ports

You can use the default ports or change them as necessary. If you change the broadcasting (UDP) port on the server, no configuration on your client computers is necessary. If you change the listening (TCP) port on the server, you will have to also change the port specified in the ProjectWise Network Configuration Settings dialog on your client computers.

  1. Open the DMSKRNL.CFG file (...\ProjectWise\bin) in a text editor.
  2. To change the default broadcast port, find [Broadcast] and below that line, change Port=5799 to Port=new broadcasting port #.
  3. To change the default listener port, find [Listener] and below that line, change Port=5800 to Port=new listening port #.
  4. When finished, save and close the DMSKRNL.CFG file and restart the server in the Services window.
Note: If the TCP listening port is changed from the default value of 5800, and you have UDP datasource discovery disabled, you must create an entry for that server in the DNS Services tab of the ProjectWise Network Configuration Settings dialog, on any client computer that will access that server.

Firewall exceptions

Installing ProjectWise Integration Server with the Firewall Exceptions option turned on automatically adds the server engine (DMSKRNL.EXE) to the Windows Defender Firewall exception list of allowed apps and features. Specifically, it adds these two inbound rules:

Name Enabled Action Program Protocol Local Port
ProjectWise Integration Server (TCP) Yes Allow C:\Program Files\Bentley\ProjectWise\bin\dmskrnl.exe TCP Any
ProjectWise Integration Server (UDP) Yes Allow C:\Program Files\Bentley\ProjectWise\bin\dmskrnl.exe UDP Any

By adding these inbound rules for DMSKRNL.EXE to the exception list, it means that the individual ProjectWise broadcast and listener ports (5799 and 5800, by default) do not need to be explicitly added to the exception list.

Installing ProjectWise Caching Server automatically adds these inbound rules:

Name Enabled Action Program Protocol Local Port
ProjectWise Caching Server (TCP) Yes Allow C:\Program Files\Bentley\ProjectWise\bin\dmskrnl.exe TCP Any
ProjectWise Caching Server (UDP) Yes Allow C:\Program Files\Bentley\ProjectWise\bin\dmskrnl.exe UDP Any

Installing ProjectWise Gateway Service automatically adds these inbound rules:

Name Enabled Action Program Protocol Local Port
ProjectWise Gateway Service (TCP) Yes Allow C:\Program Files\Bentley\ProjectWise\bin\dmskrnl.exe TCP Any
ProjectWise Gateway Service (UDP) Yes Allow C:\Program Files\Bentley\ProjectWise\bin\dmskrnl.exe UDP Any