ProjectWise Administrator Help

Suggested Migration Process

  1. Conduct the necessary preparation and testing as recommended above.
  2. On the servers to be upgraded, uninstall any existing ProjectWise applications.

    If ProjectWise Orchestration Framework Service is installed on the server you are upgrading, make sure ProjectWise Orchestration Framework Service is the LAST ProjectWise application you uninstall.

  3. Install the new applications from this release as needed, per this Implementation Guide.
  4. After installation of the new server, stop the service for ProjectWise Integration Server in the local Services window.
  5. Migrate configurations from your existing DMSKRNL.CFG file to the current version’s delivered DMSKRNL.CFG file.

    Note the following default installation location, for 64-bit servers:

    C:\Program Files\Bentley\ProjectWise\bin

  6. In the Windows Registry, move all ProjectWise ODBC datasources from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ODBC\ODBC.INI to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI
  7. Perform any necessary database product upgrades.

    The upgrade process will drop and recreate all the ProjectWise product tables in the database. Specifically, a copy of each table’s data is created and the original database tables are then deleted. Once this is done, new tables are created and the original data rows are inserted into the new tables. This is to reconcile any minor inconsistencies that may exist in the database table structure (such as minor differences in a column size, or a column declared as CHAR instead of VARCHAR, and so on).

    Your database should have enough storage space to allow the upgrade process to copy the largest table in the ProjectWise database. For instance, if you have one million documents in your database, you should have at least enough storage in your database to allow one million document records to be copied to a temporary table.

    If you have created any custom database triggers or indexes on those tables, you will need to re-create them after conversion.

    Updating The Database To Support Unicode — INSTRUCTIONS FOR ORACLE USERS ONLY

    By supporting Unicode, ProjectWise is better able to store and sort characters from many different languages and character sets. To do this, the underlying database must also be set to support Unicode. For SQL Server users, this is automatic and nothing needs to be done. For Oracle users, the database used by ProjectWise must be converted to support Unicode. This means exporting all of the data out of the old database, creating a new database with Unicode support, and importing all of the data into this new database. These steps are accomplishing using Oracle tools.

    General Procedure — Updating databases to Unicode

    1. Export data from existing database using database tools.
    2. Create a new database using UTF8 or AL32UTF8 character sets
    3. Import data into new database using database tools.
    4. Upgrade the database table structure using the DMSCONV.EXE utility.
    5. Connect to new database with ProjectWise Administrator and log in to complete the upgrade.

    For Oracle users who are also upgrading the version of Oracle, at this point back up your existing database, upgrade the Oracle installation, and migrate the database to one of the supported versions of Oracle. Make sure you have specified a valid Unicode character set for your new database. In the current supported versions of Oracle, both the database character set and the national character set must be set to a Unicode character set (see Setting Up the ProjectWise Database and ODBC Datasource ).

    When creating your export from your old Oracle database, you must export the data using the active database server NLS_LANG* settings. This is to prevent your default client NLS_LANG setting from affecting the character set conversion during the export process.

    Next, import the database backup into your new Oracle database using the target database's NLS_LANG settings. Again, this is to prevent your default client NLS_LANG setting from affecting the character set conversion during the import process.

    Note: Refer to your Oracle documentation for details.

    Once this process is complete, the ProjectWise database can be upgraded.

  8. Using ProjectWise's DMSCONV.EXE utility, update your datasources to make the necessary database modifications for the new capabilities of the current version of ProjectWise.